Re: a plague

well, keywasfull? want a prove?
checked out this. And hes username is: amir.ramezani1370 (skype). And maibe you guys don't want i upload those damned programs(hacking programs) because maibe you can hack other websites or computers. Not offensibe at you guys. I even don't know how to use them, but anyways. Why you all guys are madd at me? can. You. Apologise me? i know i was like... a bit madd because i was 9 or 11 years old and the unike thing i know was how to spam. But. Someone, called SAM TUPY has make me changed. He talked me as a friend, and finally i know the meaning of friendship. Not only spamming but... As i say, can you guys give me a tip? what i do with amir? did. I bluck hem or leave hem as a friend? he did sai if we can hack this page! and well i insulted hem a lot. (sorry for that) but my feelings were droped down by this guy. And no sorry i can't upload those hacker programs. Because ive deleted all his sent folder in gw connect! and ive posted his username, amir.ramezani1370 so you can talk to hem about this(if you want...)


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