Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

We're getting close now. You can just smell the fear, can't you? smile

Here's the latest. On 5 March, Micros~1 will have Windows XP systems updated using Windows Update display a warning of the user's impending doom (blog post here) with a link to the end of support for Windows XP help page, and are offering a download of a free tool made by LapLink ([[wow]], they're still around?) to transfer some files and settings over to a Windows 7 or 8/8.1 PC. On April 8, support will end, and on that date the user will receive the final patch Tuesday offload.

I'm afraid it's no good. If I go back to Windows full time it's going to be 7, but only because that's what the Mac supports minimum; otherwise, it's just going to be XP VMs, and I'm perfectly happy with that. When the only reason to go with 7 is that it's not 8, and still has the vestiges of a start menu with hierarchical structure instead of tiles, you know you're really fucked.

Not that I think Microsoft has won this battle--not on the merits of Vista/7/8/8.1, anyway. Some people just can't, or won't, let go of XP. Microsoft will just have to force people to upgrade …


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