Mata's BK2 walkthrough

If you guys think tis should be in articles room then feel free to move.
Been wanting to do this for quite a while, and just finished it today. I hope this gives you clearer details and strategies than the one Boy wrote back then, since many people complained they had trouble with that walkthrough.

Bokurano Daibouken 2 walkthrough
By Mars Bhuntamata

Table of contents
1. Introduction
1.1 requirements and Installation
1.2 Setting up the translation
2. The basics
2.1 Controls
2.2 Menues and shortcuts.
3. Walkthrough
(Use Stgnumber to search for specific stages, like Stg1.1)
4. Extras
5. Secrets
6 Credits and thanks

1. Introduction
Bokurano Daibouken 2 is a sequel to Bokurano Daibouken 1. You play as the same character who has lived peacefully 3 years ever since the event in BK1 ended, with his 5 fello friends, two of whom were his former antagonists. But his peace will soon be interupted, as one morning, while relaxing and planning for some daily fun, some bully boys (from the previous game) break in his house, with no objective for food but for the character himself. After cleaning up the mess, he sets out to find out the cause.
This walkthrough is written to help first time players through. If you are experienced and all you want are secrets, go to the specific section of the file for that.

1.1 Requirements and installation
Usually when you download the setup file and open it, the installation will prompt you to browse the folder destination to install the game. The default is C:\nyanchangames\something in Japanese. If you want your own folder for the game, you can set it here. But don't, ever, forget to provide a name for it. If you extract in a general folder, it will just dump scattered bunch of folders and files in there. You need a specific folder for all of them to stay in one place, otherwise good luck trying to find them all.

1.2 Setting up the translation
All you need are Nvda and Jgt translation addon by ian reed.
If you haven't grabbed and install Nvda, do it,, for it is a must if you prefer to play Japanese games in a long run. Grab Jgt too and make and account to go with it if you haven't.
You get pretty much everything done now. Steps on how to use Jgt can be found in its own download page. Don't forget to enable translation and copy to clipboard (ctrl+shift+h and ctrl+shift+y) before you play. You can't blame me if you don't and no translation comes out, haha.
Some items and menues are translated. Press E while the logo sound is playing or set the preferences language output to English should apply the translation for you. Stories aren't translated, though.

2. The basics.
2.1 Controls
Everything is actually explained in the tutorial section of the game, but I'm going to cover all here again.
up, jump.
Left and right, walk. Press and hold control+a corresponding direction to run.
space or x, weapon action.
Enter, interactions and item actions.
D, object viewer (tells you where is what).
1 and 2 (top row), switch hands for quick weapon access.

2.2 Menues and shortcuts
All menues are self-explanatory, so I'll only list specific menues with shortcuts here.
Note that these shortcuts work only while you're in a stage.

Inventory (all usable items go here), access in your character submenu (press tab and scroll) or press i.
Collection items (just collections, nothing much here), access in your submenu or press c.
Weapons, access in your submenu or press w. You can set your prefered weapons for quick acccess in your submenu as well.

3. walkthrough
Before we begin, let it be clear here that except the secrets section of this walkthrough that contains stuff I really consider secret, I'm going to cover weapons and items you can get along your journey stage by stage so if you follow this walkthrough, you won't miss all the useful thing.

This is just the tutorial that introduces you to the basics of the game. Not much here. You'll just get a ball collection item at stage 0.2 and gain access to the item warehouse where you can store items in. The warehouse is very useful though.

Time for the unnecessary ruckus.

stg1.1 Marauder
Kill only bullies, don't kill slime. It's summoned by Yamijin to help you.

Poor character gets worked up here. Now he needs to clean the mess he made (by testing the hammer in stage 1.1). Grab all broken dish pieces and run to throw them at the bin to the left. This is actually a movement test stage so you get use to interacting with items and stuff.

Bah, another work for the character. Grab 6 dishes from the kitchen to the left one by one and drop each on the table. 6 dishes for 6 people. All served, all done.

The bullies are at it again. Now there're one big slime and one grand cruiser to destroy. You get your mighty hammer back though, and Yamijin has done a nice job moddifying your pachingo sling. You can hold space to rapidfire range weapons now, unlike in bk1.
With weapons on hand, give them a good beating. The slime can generate water wave, be careful. The cruiser is troublesome when you only get too close. I can pretty much land 3 hammers before it can do anything. Use slime waves to hit the cruiser to your advantage.

Relaxing walking, uh not really. But at least you get pachingo ammoes along the way. Grab it, go to the end of the stage and open the house door there. Enemies are easy. Just some crappy slimes and low rank bullies here. The bullies take 4 hits from your hammer, slimes take 1. Beware though, the bullies can slash you.

Aww, poor housekeeper's door got bursted open by what? Hord of slimes? There are 30 slimes for you to crush now. Run and hammer away. Don't stay in one place or they'll get you before you get them. All 30 down, all gold picked and you're done. You can use this stage as a low level gold grinding spot. 30 gold guaranteed. All slimes take one hit. Easy, right?

Walk walk walk, walk to another house. And again, the road is full of nasties. Well not really nasty since they're quite weak, but don't let them swarm you. Pick whatever you can, kill whatever you must, and get to the house. Your objective of this stage is the house though, not the enimies.

Walk again, to this poor house at the end. And look who're back? Big slimes again! This time more than one. Don't waste your time killing here. Get to the end and that's when the real fight begin. You will encounter a new enemy here. Ultra bullies have the same attack as normal bullies, but take more hit to defeat, +they can use ground punch when you're like two steps close to them. Don't get hit, or your life will pretty much go bye bye. Use their hit to your advantage. Have them crush slimes and weaklings for you. Kill them however you want, just beware their attacks. And you get gold+...wait what? Chip? Where do these chips come from?

Stg2 shop
Big rice balls here will be very useful in your later journey, keep in mind. Shortswords and super hammer are must if you want to proceed. They make it way easier for you to destroy a single annoyance that is going to come.

Uh huh, curious character you are, I'd say. But it's about you so I probably can't blame. Onward to search for the origin of those chips then.

If you play bk1, you'll remember this park where you first met Yamijin, where the children played and he came out of nowhere, killed all but one, of whom he kidnapped to his fake lab. The park was peaceful ever since you helped the kid out of that lab, but not anymore.
Mysterious silence, no sound of birds, and then...bleeeeeem! The character quickly locates the source of the sound, following Yamijin's remote guidance.
New enemy! Remember these annoying piece of crap from now on. They are by far what make the worst out of you each stage you go. The generator!
They don't do anything, just sit there like a dummy. What they can and will do is, however, worse than you may think. If you have trouble beating slimes and bullies, this single generator in the park here generates all of them, big, small, low rank, ultra. All you need is to beat the stupid thing so it can stop generating them, and then beat them. But it's not easy since you'll be followed and hit most of the time. Buy at least a sword, and don't stay in one place unless you must and are sure the enemies are far enough. Slash the generator to pieces. If you have a super hammer, use it. When the generator is gone, kill all enemies and grab everything. Tough stuff huh.

This generator again. This time you're easier to get swarmed by enemies from the whole stage. Crush whatever you can along the way, but don't waste your time killing. All you need is the generator at the very end of the stage. You need to get there and smash it to pieces before it generates any more annoying things to interupt your way.

This stage is troublesome. There's a generator right at the start to destroy, and there are bats to trouble you on the sky. Ready your pachingo if you can. Destroy the generator and all enemies generated by it.

Oo, two generators! As hard as it may sound, if you have a super hammer, crush the generated enemies and the generator itself. Pachingo or sword for bats, and a big rice ball or two. You'll have easier time. Destroy the one at the beginning. Press a switch at the middle of the stage to release slimes out, don't, kill, run. There's the other generator to destroy at the end of the stage. Smash it and all the enemies, including those slimes you release, and there you got it.
Aww, look at this cute character missing Yamijin's laugh. His sense of friendship is seriously admirable. Don't we all miss that too? It's the legendary laughter of the series.

Stg3 shop
Woo, Yamijin's lab theme! I miss this theme so much from BK!. Look at what he has to offer.
The longsword is worth getting, as it doubles your range. The heavy blade is very useful in stage 5 on, so get. the double blades does as much damage as the longsword hit twice, but not as much as heavy blade. Still kinda worth getting though if you plan to killl faster. double blades and heavy blade combo is very useful in stage 6.
There is a strategy to do with heavy blade. If there are two enimies in the same room, you'll hit them at once. If there's an enimy right behind what you hit, the one you hit will fly back and crash on them, damaging both. If you don't believe, go do it to dragons in 4.2, or robots in 6.1.

To arkhayer city we go.

Clear the road. Wipe out every enemy here. Pick up everything. If you bring a longsword here, it rocks. There's also a new dragon enemy that can crush you when you get too close. Beware.

While talking to people...
What? Where did these dragon come from? Well you have to help people wipe them now. A good combination of longsword+heavy blade works here.

Investigate. Talk to people and...wait what? There's a police out of nowhere shooting people? What kind of police is this?

And he drops you in a room with a single robot here. All you need to do is destroy this surveillance robot. Heavy blade usually rocks these bots, especially here when there'ss only one. If you haven't, go buy that blade and come back to knock it back two step, wait for it to come, knock again, repeat. Don't forget to jump when it fires a rocket. Don't get too close or it'll chop you with it's crappy blade. Well not crappy. One slice takes quite a good health from you. Still better than getting hit by rockets though imo.

Look at what the dam police has done to you. Now he throws you in jail! What did you do wrong? Killed those bullies?

A lot of surveillance robots here. But fear not, they can't fire rockets at you. Slice with heavy blade and switch to sword when they're far away. You'll be alright. You don't even need to fear to be swarmed. They're slow, and you can pretty much knock them away or kill them before they do so if you use that blade. If you somehow get swarmed, which you may eventually because of their numbers, jump to some empty spot, slice with sword from a far, blade again when they get close. You'll wipe them in less than two minutes. Time to break out of this stupid room the fake police locked you in.

Clever, you think these bots have keys for you to get out of here? They actually do. So kill these bots and get them. Beware though, these bots can fling iron balls at you. Hurt as hell, I'd say. Three smacks and you're dead.

Time the police didn't kill people but lock them up with you? Let's help them then. Kill the surveillance robots and unlock every jail cell. These bots shoot iron balls.

This stage is tricky. Whatever you have that you can destroy, you pretty much need it in this stage. Otherwise you need to have a lot of healing items with you. These people need your help, and they stand right there when the bots walk to them and fire rockets at them. Shield your people with whatever you can, and smash the bots to pieces. There's an item in your inventory that can block rockets. Get familiar with that. You'll have to use it a lot. If any of those you have to save die, it's game over.

time to break out of this jail.

First of all, robots are going to be a problem if we don't kill them right? So do it. The rocket launching surveillance robots drop big grenades. Time to farm some and have them taste their own medicine.
There is a strategy which works very well when you have a grenade on hand. Trick those bots to come near one another, two or three works, then jump out of their melee range, turn to them and pull the grenade. Boom they go. Sometimes this strategy even gives you more grenade than you've wasted, if more than one you manage to bomb are rocket launching robots. Run this stage like two or three times and you'll have enough grenades to go through the whole stage 6 with ease, unless you decide to be a coward and choose to bomb every of them instead of stand and fight. Don't bomb them unless they come in groups, close to one another. You'll get like three four sweet birds in one shot that way.

There are a bunch of cells here, with a bunch of patrol bots all over the place. They won't let you help people inside, How cruel. But since the stupid police didn't take your weapon away since he captured you here, you still can and need to do it. Wipe them out and open all the cells.

This stage has 5 sections you need to go through. Sounds troublesome, but not really.
First, surveillance robots again, all armed with rockets. Trick them to come near one another and group bomb them with grenades. You have the best chance on earth to get like 5 grenades if you're lucky enough to kill them all in one grenade. Don't let them attack your grenades though.
Next, open the door, and kill the bots here. You may be able to group bomb them again, but since some are metal shooter, if they come alone, you can fight them in melee to save grenades. I wish I could do something with these keys. There're too many.
Then, the next room has some kind of well, it says sign, but it's some kind of switch that when you activate, will alarm all bots to come surround you. That's what you want, or else they will be your pain later...because if you don't do, you can't pass, haha. All of them are metal shooters. You may need to waste a grenade here to wipe out like 4 or 5 of them. There are 6.
The next room has nothing besides three bots, one of which drops the key to unlock the next lock you'll encounter. The weird sign in this room is not a sign. It's a keypad and you'll unlock it when you activate. Now if you check your object viewer, you'll see 10 potions at the beginning of the level. You can go grab them all, and in fact you must. Potions restore 300 health, and they're sold in a shop you don't have access yet. You can get 10 here, 10, and you can come back for more whenever you want, except once you manage to spawn abicus. It's like this stage is best for farming items or something.
The last door has a password. There's one bot in the stage that drops the paper containing password to unlock this door. But if you're too lazy to check what it is, it's easier to just remember as "robot". So the password is robot. Don't misspell it, or you'll have to fight like a massive hord of them. After the door is a generator that will generate all kind of bots. With your current weapon, you may need to use grenades to help, or else you'll be swarmed and crushed instead.

Talk to all the poor prisoners here to have them follow you. Get them to the door and avoid robots. If the bots fire projectiles and you jump, your people will jump with you. Kill whatever you can along the way, bots though, not people. Once you get them all out of the door, destroy the bots and escape. Sometimes it makes you help two groups of people instead of one, beware. Once you destroy all the bots and help everyone, escape through that door.

You can use stage 4, 5 and 6 shop now.

Don't bother killing here. Run to the end of the stage and avoid everything you can. Grab pachingo ammoes along the way. once you can't go further, hold right and spam up as fast as possible til you  can walk again. Keep doing. You'll eventually get to the forest after like 15 spams or more...
You'll see a lot of previous enimies from bk1, fast slimes, super bullies who can be faster than powerful ones, upgraded grand cruisers that can fire bombs...just all kind of nasties that are useful for farming gold but not for run run!

Again, run! There are spirit trees here which will crush you with their branches when you get close, and crazy rampaging horses that will run and ram themselves into every single ground enimies they find. In this stage, if you don't have super pachingo, you'll need to use grenades on crows, or else they'll peck you to death. You'll get stuck again like in 7.1 at the end of the stage. All you need to do, this time, is if you hold right and spam up and it doesn't work, change up to down. if it doesn't work again get back like 4 steps from there and spam jump to the right as fast as you can til you get stuck again. Repeat whatever method given and you'll get to the end.

Your destination is the river at 400, 0. Run for your life. If you grab potions from 6.3, it'll be really useful here.
It's not easy to swim in the river. You can't jump, and all you need to do is get through without rocks falling on you. if you're hit by a rock, you're dead. And not only rocks that are troublesome, fish can stir waves of water and spit some kind of water needle to attack you too. Get to the other bank, run for your life through half of the forest and you'll finally be out.

At the entrance, the poor character finds a group of three man-eating birds (what kind of bird exactly?), and of course all you need to do is fight your way out. The bird won't leave you alone, and there are also loads of animals and such on the ground trying to devour you. Save up some potions, at least 20, from 6.3, as well as 10+ grenades. It's better to have more than you need anyway. Kill those on the ground, try not to get too close to the birds. One swoop attack from them can take around one or two potions to heal before the combo ends. Once you're done, take a deep breath, for stage 8 onward is no longer a piece of pie. (It's already way harder to call a perfectly baked cake anyway, those 7 stages).

What? Robots got out of the jail? How the heck?
No time to think, run for your life! Don't forget those robot parts though, the mystery man in stage 5 shop loves them.
You sure can come back and blow up these bots for more later, but of course not now.

Got it, so this stupid generator plays a part. The alarm is loud as hell, but that doesn't stop you from trying to destroy this thing, does it?
Wait what!? there are like 4-5 of them! Well I guess it's not easy luck then.
Grenades work very good against these two, hint hint.

This stage has 4 sections:
an empty room
A room with low level generators, two of them (stage 1-4 enimies)
A room with low-level generators, three of them.
A room with low to mid-level generators (stage 1-8), 4 of them. This room is by far the toughest, and can be one of the best place to grind grenades throughout the entire game.
and then an empty room again before the stage ends.
The character finds a computer in this building, and decides to scan the mysterious chips...
And look what just happened!

Look who's back. It's the worst nightmare of BK1, the death robot! And right now it's even worse than back then. But you're also better. At least these bots don't accelerate like in bk1.
If you grab the killer spear from stage 7 shop, it could be useful against this stupid bot. Otherwise metal blade.
The bot will lag a little when there are a lot of enimies around. Use them to your advantage. (I usually try not to destroy the generators too quickly so I can use those little ones to attack the bot. The bad thing though, is you can be swarmed if you're not fast enough).
The bot can throw bombs (300-ish hp it takes per hit. if you see your hp below 150, use the potions).
It can so do the following: shoot at you, takes 50 60 something hp away i I'm not mistaken. If you get too close , it may slash at you with its laser saber. You'll get one after this stage, don't worry. The saber is rather neat.
There will also be a time when it pauses and rapidfires its stupid gun at you. All you need to do is use your godspeed the hell away from its range, or jump behind and watch it foolishly shoot at nothing. You can use this chance slash and skewers it to bits.
All you need to worry about this bot is bombs. Otherwise you have plenty of way and time to turn it to scraps. This is also a good opertunity for you to run back and farm grenades and everything from 6.3. The bot is immune to grenades though, even if you use grenade launcher.
And then you get...a pistol!
For the sake of your death fate, you can't do anything with it just yet. Or even if you can, please don't. Save your pistol ammoes for later.

Back to no, not really.

Get back home! Run from right to left. Kill all the way, but before you do that...after the sign, that loud ding, 3 steps or something to the right, is a very useful weapon for you. It's a grenade launcher! The ammo used for this weapon is of course the big grenades you keep picking up from those bots, but now you gotta shoot it. You don't need to throw anymore.
And after the first part of the stage is...those birds again, seeking revenge from you. Bring it!
If you haven't grabbed the killer spear, do it. Laser saber from stage 8 shop makes it even way easier.

Fish gone berserk stage: kill every one of them and pick up all the scales. Spears work super great here.

It could have been a peaceful walk back home if not because of...what? Grand cruisers?
Yes, that's right! And all you have to do is kill every one of them. Note that this stage is good for grinding gold later on. Spears and saber all the way buddy! And don't forget super pachingo.

Bullies' revenge! They're coming back for you and your friends! Wipe them out, and prepare for the long, emotional cutseen.
Note: grenades may be of use a lot here.

Now your goal is revealed, and in order to do it, you must train, right.

Gun lessons. Nothing much here.

Here is when your sky spear is of use. Ufos can't be harmed by ground weapons. Switch to it and skewer them one by one. They drop pistol ammoes.

Another killing stage. I recommend you have sky spear in one hand and saber or killer spear in the  other, for you need to wipe out both robots and ufos here.

This stage requires a lot of good timing to avoid the megadriver, +if you happen to have a fast weapon that hits hard, it really can come in handy against both the driver and the enemies that spawn later (including the drivers themselves, which are tough). My recommendation is to have all the drivers shoot each other and the other enemies down. You yourself run around the stage, use the shield plates here and there and do some hide and seek among those plates you plant, as well as slashing/stabbing/shooting those enemies at the same time. Take out the ufoes first though. They're annoying. At the end of this stage after you kill the megadriver, who drops a mini pistol, you'll get two soft point ammo and a box gun, another quite useful weapon.

And fact confirmed, Yamijin has two shops!

And the journey begins again!

Oh man, from how the stage looks, don't ever think it's gonna be easy. You'll see why once you progress through it.
Let me give you a hint here. It's the mixture of all the previous enemies in one stage. This stage in particular is a set of easy slimes+bullies, +a huge lot of grand cruiser, perfect for grinding later.

The path through the forest is no longer safe, all because of...yeah, what you see. Robots, tough bullies and dragons, and even a stupid cruiser. Run like hell if you must. Grind later.

Another rampaging stage of...of...well let's just say megabirds and much more. Don't take it lightly. There's a secret weapon here.

This is where hell begins (like it wasn't hell before?). Look at what we got here. Yes you see right, two death bots and a large number of small bots. Now you see what I whine about. Strategy though: Let the bots blast one another pieces by pieces, especially the death ones. Just run around and mash and keep the stupid death bots as your final targets. And don't forget grenades never work against them even if you have the launcher.

Another problem here. Two generators that generate pretty tough mobs. If you manage to grab the hyper hammer or something heavy, please do, but note that if you use the hyper hammer, it's really going to slow you down.

Another generator mashing time, but this time, it's 3.

This stage is the perfect example of "the further you progress, the harder it protests". Another enemy to introduce here to be exact. The gun battery won't move but will attack you on sight. I personally wanna call it mounted gattling cannons, cause it pretty much sounds like one. But whatever it is is no more important than the fact that you have to find a rangy, sneaky way to blast without getting shot. Grenades work best, in my opinion. And beware that they're two generators in this stage, and three batteries to get rid of.

Let's name whatever in this, better not. But for sure, there're death bots here along side generators and gun batteries at each of the stage edge. Take the enemies down, but don't get too close to the first 40 squares of the stage, or else you'll be taken down instead. Hint hint, the square where you're placed before the battle begins is close to a set of three batteries to the right. If you don't want them  to be so much of an annoyance, blast before the death bot comes or the generators overwhelm you, or both. Be careful though, if you're already turning to the right at the beginning of the stage, stepping just one or two closer is guaranteed to get you scattered.

And look what weapons this stage shop has for sale. See something familiar? That's it, that painful dark sword BK1 players know all too well is Yamijin's weapon if you use melee weapons against him. Now you can have that dark sword, and tell you what, it's very good for the next couple stages ahead! The gun isn't half bad, and the buster lance can be useful in some situations when you're swarmed.

Another treck on the road to flame town. The only gimic here are mini shooters that can blast you to hell in one or two or three successful combo shots, depends on your hp. If you have a gatling gun or dark sword, this stage is quite good for gold grinding. Buster lance works quite well here to. If you haven't yet got them, try avoiding the shooters. Their combo shots are deadly. I prefer dark sword here over buster lance though, especially for grinding. If you have a chance to, better get accustomed to mini shooters with the best weapon of your capability, because they will be good for gold grinding later, especially after you get the abicus. The toughest enemies in this level, imo, are robots. They don't hit as hard as shooters, but they take forever to kill with dark sword.
If you haven't grabbed the grenade launcher from stage 9.1, here's another chance.

Another wipeout stage, and this one isn't as easy. I prefer dark sword here.

Another wipeout stage, meh, and this time it's ufo. But at least you'll get a useful gun that will make your ufo killing life easier. There is another more useful weapon here though, but that's a shushy secret for another time.:)

Three generators that spawn anything from squishy stage 7 slimes to mega shooters and ufo. Looks like an easy talk eh? Not really. Well it's not as easy as it is annoying. But hey, as a good guy who somehow likes distruction your character seems to be, you have to do it anyway. Dark sword can be useful here, +that shushy weapon you got in 13.3.

The buster blade in stage 13 shop is quite useful, though I prefer dark sword more for its speed.

Two generators here. Wreck 'em. I suggest dark sword over buster blade. Or if you like slow but effective kind of thing, Buster blade works too. Arrows can be quite useful here too, though I prefer guns+dark sword combination more.

Generators again, two of them. But this time, they're flying. Don't kill the gun battery until you manage to destroy the generators. battery fire helps you a ton at dealing with Ufos.

A gun battery? But wait, it doesn't shoot you. It launches laser machines at you. There're increasing numbers of machines each round. Stock up on range ammo, grab the most powerful ground gun you have and have a blast. Even arrows are useful here because of its fire distance.

Ho, a mix of everything here. Ground generator and sky generator. Whatever. Just blast them to hell. Take advantage of that gun battery if you can. It's not as hard as you may think.

Stage 14 shop sells one of the most useful items in the game. Buy that item detector, press control+i to turn it on and off. For your own sake, don't ever forget to turn it on in any stage you run after this. It helps a lot. The laser machinegun is useful too since it requires no ammo. There'll be more stuff than this, but hey, at least you got this one.

I can see why people start to hate this stage up to the final stage. We're about to face another great annoyance. It's the pit. Stage 15.1 should teach you how to jump pits and such. Practice with caution.

If  you use field viewer in this stage, you'll see there's a weapon at the edge of a broken ground you can't reach. You sure need to grab that one and add it to your collection. It's awesome. But how can you get to it? Good question. Remember the speed potions sold in stage 7 ninja shop? That's the key. After you grab the water plane launcher, get back on the relatively small platform between two broken grounds where you start off, try your best to balance yourself and blow those ufo up. It's quite hard, but manageable if you try hard enough.

Another treck down the pit filled mountain, sigh. Uh well, at least you have potions dropped by those small devils to speed yourself up along the way. But don't overuse it. Death is in your hand. You don't even need one to begin with, but they're there for you to take, so take it, and climb down the mountain. I personally just don't care about the darn potions. If I pick one up then that's it. I need to be careful anyway regardless.

And there's when the fun begins. See that flying plane? It's coming for you. Hazardous pit filled grounds and the fact that the plane can blow you up with its stupidly explosive rockets an annoy you to hell with countless small devils makes this fight very unpleasant. However, there's hope. Remember the water plane launcher you picked up in stage 15.2? Use that to blow the devils, and possibly the plane up too. I prefer using something else against the plane though. At least I can avoid it's rocket easy enough.
Before you think that's it for the stage, the plane falls down in front of you, pathetically leaving a piece of iron behind. No, don't grab that iron just yet. Don't wait for the sound of that falling plane to die down, jump in the nearest pit to emerge in...a place.
You're about to have one of the most powerful weapons in the game in your hand. I don't even want to call it secret, because indeed it's a must, must and must if you want to complete the game with ease without using cheats or grind. Grab the laser cutter, jump pits, and try your best to grab hold of the floating door just above the last pit to make it through. You may need to play 15.4 again and grab the iron instead of go down the pit to complete it.

They say buying 10000 small figures inside the plane proves to unlock something. But so far, I haven't had much luck with it. The other two weapons are useful, however, though not as useful as that laser cutter you just got. Get accustomed to the laser cutter as soon as you can, and you'll love nothing else but it.

Sigh, another pit filled stage. But this time it's not small devil but laser machine. If you prefer to waste time and blow them up, you can test your laser cutter on them, or use whatever range weapons you have. But that's really not the goal. Your goal is get the hell out of here.

Interesting enemy again. If you play BK1, you might remember some dog sounding devil that kicks you away for a few spaces if you get too close, and don't seem to do anything other than that. Well, news is they're back in this stage. They're tough, but not hard to kill. Your laser cutter should prove useful against them here. Brave the enemies and get to the door.

Wait what? A revenge? Not really.
The ultra bully here can throw big iron balls at you, can do some kind of ground punch that damages you quite severely iff you get too close, can slash you, can throw balls at you follow by locking and punching. Fighting him from the distance is easiest. Use that laser cutter to your advantage, or whatever gun/arrow you see fit.

Nothing's more important that that stupid robot that appears. It's nastier than death bot if you ask me. It can launch bombs at you the same way death bot can. It can shoot super damaging rockets at you the same way planes can. It can paralyse you with some kind of paralysis machine, more like ammo if you ask me. Whatever it is, it needs taken down, in the most brutal way possible. Give it a good beating with possibly your laser cutter or anything you can. Beware, it's quite fast.

I don't find anything useful here in stage 16 shop. If you need to add something to your collection and possibly use, go ahead. They're actually quite powerful.

There're nasty bots along the way, and a few nasty enemies. But you're probably use to this kind of thing already. Get to the door.

Small robots eh? Something like fast water launcher and especially water plane launcher can really clean house here. Give them a good beating. The robot legs sells for quite a good price. Keep them.

The bots in this stage can plant timebombs when they get near you, +their speed is quite nasty. I call this stage more of a survival one than killing. Unless you use water plane launcher or something super fast, you just can't do anything but run from them. Give it the best speed you can. Speed potions can really help. Don't let them get to you when you make your way to the doors.

I hate this stage, not because of the bots in it but because of how Yukio made it hard for no reason. You have more destructive weapons than hammer, so why hammer? But anyway, since it's something you have to do then let's do it. Use the bomb to your advantage while you hammer away everything in your path, especially that bloody generator. It's actually not too hard even if it can be so sometimes.

The bombs in stage 17 shop can be useful, especially power bombs and time bombs if you plant it right.

Pick up computer parts and slaughter enemies along the way. Don't let them get you. This stage can be somewhat frustrating though.

Like 18.1, except there's a new hazard here. You can't kill the tracking turret, but you can run away from them, and that's exactly what you need to do to get to the door at the end of the stage. The turret will stop and shoot at you if you're directly under it.

Run for your life again, sigh. This time there're ufos added. Don't fight, just pick up whatever computer parts you find and run. I tell you to pick up computer parts because you can sell them later at a shop, and they give you quite good gold.

That nasty gun battery! It shoots power bombs at you. The lucky thing about it is it doesn't take much to be destroyed, just a single hit from a jump and a slash by laser cutter, or a few blows from high damaging gun. Give it a shot, and destroy the generators and the rest of the enemies once it's down. Bullies here can punch you for high damage, but who would be foolish enough to stand there and let them do so?

And here's the shop i told you to save computer part+small robot legs+everything for.

Just easy generators here.
There's a secret weapon in this stage that requires high enough spirit sword level and playtime to obtain, but we'll talk about that later.Anyway, blow 'em.

Generators again, This time harder. But you're so use to it right? Get 'em.

Interesting stage so far. There're invisible walls you need to break to proceed. Sometimes it can be buggy and doesn't let you pass even after you break it. But all is fine. You'll get there and get the generator at the right end of the stage.

The helicopter here is a tad harder than the one in 15.4, but actually may be easier because there's no pit around. Though I must admit, generators are annoying as hell. With the right weapons and strategies, it'll fall in a matter of minutes.

All weapons here except super attacker's sword are interesting. The sword is pretty useful too, but it's no better than what you already have. Feel free to buy, sell, or do whatever the hell you want. The ufo catcher here drops higher value coin exchanging card. Feel free to grind gold as you wish.
For reference, the death blow is the range weapon Yamijin uses against you in BK1.

Onward to another...well, not so pleasant adventure.

If you don't want to go about looking among millions of your collected items, the password is "openthedoor". Now with the password out of the way, let's see what's inside that door.
Oh look! Your brave character tries to distract robots with a rocket. It works, and it means you have to take care of the robots too.
Thank you for the death blow, Yamijin. I can clear this stage easily using just that. This is one heck of a stage where death blow is better than laser cutter. Now let's see what the password is...
Weird password, but whatever.

Another password? Fine...
Whoa! A row of cells with a single death bot guarding them? Doesn't look as nasty as it sounds huh. You know what? Grab whatever weapon and smash this thing to pieces. If you don't have or don't wanna use laser cutter, any high end gun or death blow destroys this thing pretty quick. It takes three four slashes from the cutter to do the same work.

Here's the nasty stage I'm sick of having to complete. Remember 6.4 that you have to get people out of the prison and have robots chasing your ass? This stage is hell. You have to guide two groups of people out. The first trap is always, always a bunch of timebombs which you can destroy for 10 gold a piece. No, don't. Just get your people away from that crap. If you can get past that first bomb trap and walk your people out, there'll be an alarm from time to time and traps will be placed. Sometimes it's a bunch of timebombs in front or behind you and/or your group. Sometimes it's a bunch of small robots. The bots are easy as long as they don't spawn in the middle of your group. Grab a fast gun and do the job. But if they're behind your group then just run and jump as fast as you can without leaving your group behind. When you can get the group out, take care of the bots later. Once you get everyone out, take care of the bots left inside and enter the door yourself. This stage is a bitch mainly because of timebombs.

Whoa, it's a helicopter again, the same kind of the one in stage 15. But this time, it comes with a bunch of death bots and big ass robot, the one you fought before that can paralyse you and shoot hard crap rocket at you. Get the copter down first. It's annoying. If you have the laser cutter then this stage shouldn't give you much trouble. By this time, you should have enough hp to withstand a few bombs already. Just try not to have that stupid rocket hit you. It hurts as hell.

The gloves in the final shop isn't very useful if you're surrounded by crazy number of enemies. Grab it if you wanna collect and mess with it, otherwise no, grab everything in the shop but that. Try to stock up as many healing items as possible. For stage 21+, the life crystal is very important. You'll see why when you reach 25.4.

Aww, there I thought it'd be harder than this. Uh well, destroy these glass plates to get to the door. They'll be placed from time to time. The greatest annoyance in this stage is the group of small ddevils that will be placed on your way. Not hard though, as long as you don't stand  still for them to beat you to death.
Hold on, I lie. I just died to the devils right now. Disregard all of what I said about this stage. Speed potion all the way! The devils will be placed twice on the way. Get past the second group and a bunch of glass and you'll be good to go.

Time to introduce a bunch of new enemies. The big slime can shoot two waves of water that will hit twice and blast your health bar big time. The rest you've seen before. They're all nasty. Just get to the door as fast as you can.

There're three switches here. One spawns robots, one spawns dragons, devils and cruisers, one spawns nastier bots and big slimes. There's a secret weapon here, but then again, I don't call that secret because it's a must for the run if you don't want to rely on grinding or cheats. Once you manage to destroy or get away from all the spawned enemies, you'll find a heating wire. Get zapped by that once resets the switches, but does not make the enemies disappear. There'll be the super electromagnetic body drop at the beginning of the stage for you to grab. This weapon makes you move at lightning speed from spot to spot. It's very useful when you fight a group of enemies, since you just make enemies gather at one side of the stage, shoot the body drop and move yourself far from them so you can take care of them at the other side of the stage/group. In an area where you normally get swarmed and your only goal is the door, you can just spam body drop+run until you get to the door. No sweat, minimum pain, good for your health. If there're two secret weapons I don't consider secret, they're laser cutter and body drop. I set them both as my default just for that. Up to you though. If you want extra challenge then go ahead.

Oh yes, this is one heck of a stage, and one where the electromagnetic body drop is very useful too. The modified dragon can kick your ass within seconds if you're not prepared. Move away from them and blast them with whatever your strongest weapon is. Be careful not to let them hit you. At least they don't have super long range attacks, The only range attack they have, and one of the nastiest, is when they try to launch their claws for half a stage to rake you. Beware that attack. There's also this attack when you get close to them. They'll try to grab you and chew on your tasty flesh. Doesn't kill if you have high enough hp, but takes your huge chunk away. You can position them so they attack each other. I took like 7-8 slashes from the laser cutter to take these two down. A few cannon shots work too.

This may look like a ball game thingy, but no, don't be fooled by it. This is no childish game. All you need to do is grab whatever long range weapon you have and destroy the evil balls while moving ever closer to the door. Don't try to launch the ball with enter. You'll die if you do.
Once you open the door you'll favorite sounding enemies, the pus encrusted mutant (mutated) humans. How do I know they're pus encrusted? Listen to how they move. Can you hear the slimey step? Now you can imagine how they look like. They have nasty knives to stab you with, and heck, the force of their hands is enough to shatter your bone. Show them how pathetic they are as mutants. Once they're gone, enter the door. Two slashes from a well aimed laser cutter kicks their butts.

Destroy all the death bots in this room. Whatever weapons you have by now shouldn't give you much trouble.

Oopsy, some trap was set up and your weapons are all snached. Never mind. There's a turret you can use here. The turret will stop at your position and shoot you. No, not you in this case. Make it shoot the box instead so you can get your weapons back. Stop at the box, once the turret stops, move one step away, then move back, repeat. The first box contains your weapons. The second box contains the key to open the next door. Blast them all, then say bye to the turret and run. Don't bother fighting in the next room. Just run to the door.

Another trap...whoa! Alright, this stage is one heck of a stage you can't stand still and fight, because there's a stupid turrent here. But you probably won't stand still anyway since robots move all over the place and you need to kill them and collect everything to progress. Let's do it then. The robots are no joke though, be careful. And try not to die to lesser enemies like mutants or death bots. Your life is worth more than that.

The first room contains laser machines. Don't fight them. Just get to the door. Once you get to the door, there'll be words you need to type down in order:
"radio robot gold spaceship aircraft technology"
If you use the p (password detection key) on the door, it'll give you paper with the same words written. This one's easy, but the room behind it isn't.
You need to get to the door as fast as you can. There's also a new type of dragon, the mega dragon, in this room too. They're not as harmful as modified dragon, but pack as much punch.

Another run to the door stage. But wait, don't be fooled. There's a new type of enemy in this stage too. If you play BK1, you'll probably remember this thump thump thump sound of this enemy. It's the beam machine! It can shoot ground beam at you, as well as air beam. Now how do you know which one is which, since they start by saying "Laser Beam" all the same. You know it's air beam when there's some beep beep beep sound when they say Laser Beam. Really hard to detect when you're surrounded by millions of enemies though. Don't bother fighting. Just run.

You have everything from small bots to ufos here. The door is what you need to get to.
Open another door right after the first one, and there comes something to...not really burn your head. It's the guess the number kinda puzzle. Answers are random. The sure fire way is to mark the first number in the row, mark the second, answer. If you mark it wrong, remove the second, mark the third, answer, until you get it right. If you can't find it in the first number, mark the second number and keep marking til you get it right or you're at the end of the row. If you can't find answer in the second number then mark the third and mark+answer the rest of the row, and mark, and it til you get it right.

This stage starts with a password.
Let's see what'll happen if you type it...
Two helicopters that can do everything the previous helicopters can, +pits in the middle of the stage? Alright then, that doesn't sound too good. Don't bother with anything else. Get the helicopters. Body drop and laser cutter are both very useful here. If you prefer challenge, go for the guns you got in stage 20 shop.

Boaty boaty, relaxing eh? Wait no! There's a weapon, a wave attack that does the same thing fish do to you, you need to get off the boat to get. When you're outside the boat, fish can attack you. There's also a chaos flair that requires you to be on the boat at exactly the same position as it and jump from the boat to get. Weapons that can push and pull your boat can be very useful for getting the chaos flair. If you don't want the weapons, just get to the door. If you grab the weapon, get back to the boat and sail to the door. Destroy the plates on the way too, or else you'll die once you get to the door. A good range weapon is very useful for this stage. Weapons that can push and pull are useful too if you fail to destroy a plate and want to get back and do it. Once you collect three chaos flairs, the blue sword will be in place of the flair and you can't collect any more flairs. I think there's something that replaces the blue sword as a secret weapon too, but I haven't yet known how to get it.
There's a bug in this stage. If you choose to end the stage without completing it, the boat sound will keep looping.

There's a big generator that spawns small generators which can, in turn, spawn a lot of enemies. The big generator will spawn a small and moves away. Your goal is to destroy that big one. This is yet another stage where laser cutter is very, very useful.

More nasty enemies, but you need only to get to the door. Once inside, the door will be left open and some enemies can enter. There's a pachingo machine in this room. You need to use the regular pachingo to shoot 100 pachingo balls in the machine, exactly 100, then use the hyper pachingo to shoot big pachingo balls in the machine, exactly 100 as well. Do it before enemies come, and don't do it over 100 or else you'll have to reset and lose all of the balls you shoot. Once you're done,, the door can be safely entered.

Beware, once you complete this stage, you won't be able to access the shops. Stock as many health items as you can. Don't ever think of braving stage 25 without at least 50 life crystals and more than 1500 hp, or you'll face nasty consequences and unable to do anything for yourself. I stocked over 100 life crystal just in case. Survived with 92 left but that was just luck. I had 2180 hp when I set out, which helped quite a bit with the battle instead of having to rely on crystal the whole time.
Alright, on to stage 24.4
Don't  move forward a step, grab long range weapon and make sure you face the right direction (without moving to it of course). Blow the gun battery and proceed to blow everything else too. There's a turret in this stage, but it's not as annoying as the enemies you have to kill. Oh look! There's even a modified dragon in here! Be careful then. The dragon alone is nasty enough, topped with helicopter which can do everything all helicopters in the game can and a few more nasty enemies...heh, you can imagine the mess.

And finally, I'm coming for you, Punisher.

There's a way to cheat, and you absolutely must cheat unless you wanna run this stage the whole day. Press escape then enter and you'll fly through the door. Enter the door, fly again, enter the door and then fly for the final time. There's no reason and no way for you to waste your time and healing items just trying to jump the pit full of devils up the building. Just fly. You'll know why once you reach the top floor.

    You have to fight three waves of enemies, each wave nastier than the previous. I'm giving you reasons to love laser cutter and electromagmetic body drop here. Even your strongest guns give you super hard time fending off these hords. Beam machines spawn in the second+ wave, beware.
Enter the door once you're done.

Just one more stage before you face that idiotic punisher that makes your life hard as hell. The password's a stupid math crap I don't even care to think since I suck at math, but there's a paper that tells the password. But if you don't wanna waste your time, the password is...
Get pass everything in this room, don't bother fighting. There's some fun thing in the next room.
And the fun thing is...push the launch pad along the way and let it shoot all the coins and make them shine. Time to use items that can push, like heavy blade I'm using right now. It's not hard, just requires a little bit of patience to make sure you get all the coins. Once you're done, it's time to face the real challenge.

So your name is Charles huh? Good to know then. But that doesn't prevent you from stopping me.
Prepare for a three rounds battle...
The first round is a mass attack from every top tier enemies in the games, big robots, big slimes, mutants, beam machines, modified dragons...much more. I'm too lazy to name them all. Now you have a reason to love me for the warning about health items I gave back in 24.4.
Once you manage to clear the room, Charles will launch the mother computer, a computer which can clone anything its laser connects with.
There used to be a version of the game that you could destroy the mother computer with one club hit. It was the same version as the one Boy used to write his walkthrough. No more though.
There's a nasty sounding clone of yours in here too, and of course he doesn't sound like you. He sounds super stupid, in fact. He has hyper pachingo and a few nasty weapons on him. Well, at least he doesn't have laser cutter and body drop. It's your chance to kick his ass. Get as many enemies out of the way as you can, and don't let any of them get near the computer, or else they'll be cloned. Try attacking the computer as often as you can while getting enemies out of the way. Never, ever let that computer clone you, or you'll be left with one more clone of yourself to deal with. Once the computer is down and everything else is down with it, it's time for the final round.
Search and destruct (more like search and destroy) robot version 2.0 initiated!
The first pain is you have 5 minutes, exactly 5 minutes to destroy this thing. The second pain is you need to be really, really careful when you get close to it. Don't even think of fighting this thing with your melee stuff, except the laser cutter if you have. Cutter+body drop combo makes it a bit easier to fight, since the bot can shoot like 5 paralysers at you, follows by five bombs, and it's 20 times stronger than normal bots. I tried the power bomb launcher against it when I'm far enough. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The most sure fire way is to get close enough to be able to hear it move then pelt it with bullets or something, or rockets, laser cutting blade...anything. Keep your health in check at all time. If you have less than a thousand hp, it's time to heal. You are free to chug as many crystal as you have on your body to keep yourself sane and safe. Believe me, you don't want to go crazy dying to this thing and start the first two rounds all over again.
Once you're done, it's time for the happy ending. I won't spoil how happy it is if you don't know. You'd better find out yourself.

4. Extra
You get more extra stages when you level your spirit sword high enough. The rest of the sstages will be unlocked again, and new shops will spawn for stage 21-24. There're new weapons for you to grab, including the spirit sword you'll really need in order to unlock stuff later. The extra stages can be unlocked once at the shop position of stage 25. The rest depends on your spirit sword.

Laser Machine stage
Destroy as many laser machines as possible using one single weapon. Let's see how many you can get until you die.

Card eater
Collect cards while destroying card eaters and prevent them from eating the cards you collect.

Devil Planet
This is a fun stage. You'll have to get away from bombs and crows. Can you smell devil? Get through the gate and choose which one you'll enter. I'm not sure what's the difference. The white gate just ends the stage for me. There's a devil laser machinegun for you to get in this stage. Don't forget to grab it before you enter the gate.

Mass production
This s another fun yet nasty stage. You can spawn search and destruct robots to kill. You can choose to spawn as many as ten, or go with the random choice which can spawn more than that. I spawned 14 once. Didn't complete it though. Too lazy to avoid 5 rapid bombs, lol.

Flying devil game
Your goal is to jump all the pits and get to the door. I tell ya, it's very nasty, especially with flying devils waiting to smack you into the pit. Don't jump when they sore over you. I hate jumping the pits myself, so I haven't yet completed this stage.

5. Secrets
Things that normally don't appear in stages and require you to do something special to get, I consider them secrets, except the laser cutter and the electromagnetic body drop.

If you keep talking to people in this stage, spamming at
least 60-90 on every of them to make sure, you'll have a chance to get two weapons. The heart turns enemies against themselves. The megaton club is given by yokotank.

Abicus appears after you get the water launcher 3, which is one of the secret weapons. The item will replace ten potions which you normally get. If you really want to stock up potions, try not to get water launcher 3 yet. stock as many potions as you want. The best way to get it is to grab the water launcher 3 and get the abicus when you're ready and stocked. Many abicuses won't help doubling your gold at once. They always count as one.

*stages that require you to complete at one edge of it can be cheated by using collector dog.

13.2: water launcher 3 is obtained by being at exactly the very left edge of the stage, the first position you start at,alive and wait until it comes to the first position and kill it there, or at least next to there so you can run to the first positionright after getting your last piece of gold or whatever. The sure fire way is to try and kill your last enemy at position 0,0.

sky machine gun, do the same as how you do to get the water launcher 3. But of course this thing is way harder since what you face are ufoes.

Another edgy stage. Yoyo is obtained by completing the stage while standing at the very left edge.

After you get a yoyo and play here for 15 minutes or more, you'll get the super yoyo. If you don't, try leveling up your spirit sword the whole 15 minutes you're there and you'll get it.

After you get the super yoyo, flip the switch in this stage and use field viewer. You'll see the hyper yoyo sometimes mistakenly called super yoyo. Grab it. All yoyos will be yours.
Weirdly, the hyper yoyo requires you to turn your back toward the enemies and use. It's really good, but tricky to use.

After you level your spirit sword to a certain level, you'll find the stone shower just lying in the mud at the end of the river. It's tricky to find though.

After you get your spirit sword past a certain level, the slime redemption card will appear along side the abicus.

If the first two soft point ammoes at the beginning of this stage are destroyed, not taken, a super box gun will spawn. It's quite good so get it if you're able.

6. Credits and thanks
Huge thanks goes to, of course, Nyanchan,for making this awesome series in a whole. Also thanks to boy's walkthrough for making my bk life somewhat easer, even though I don't follow most of what you said in the walkthrough, especially weapon recommendations. You missed a whole lot of weapons that you claim to suck, like the laser saber.
I may miss something in the walkthrough. If you find something I miss, please suggest. I'll be sure to add it to the walkthrough.

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