Re: Braillemon status update!

Don't worry, none of this is "whining", I have down time on the project due to the save feature not being able to be implemented so I'm adding all sorts of little features and clean ups. Here are some things I cleaned up in the current dev version:

-Cries change based on HP.
- You can change the order of your moves by going into the move menu on the overworld and pressing backspace, and then
selecting another move by pressing backspace again.
-Battles remember what move you used last.
-Battles no longer show "No move" if there is an empty move slot and just simply cycles through the available moves.
-You can change the volume by holding down F11 and F12.
-Battle music changes based on locational factors (I plan to implement Johto at some point)

I changed the sound so that in the forest it works like the "wind" sound in the map. Before it was not affected by collisions but now it is.

Both the crash and the "d" problem were caused by the fact that I haven't fully implemented something yet. I knew about the "d" problem but not the one with the trainer... whoops.

I have an idea with your last part. How about implementing a key that tells you how far away collisions are in the cardinal directions? For example, it can say "There is a wall 5 spaces north, 3 spaces east, 2 spaces west and 1 space south". But I want to cut it off after 5 since some maps have areas that have areas where collisions do not surround all 4 sides (near warps usually), so it can say something like "no collision nearby" instead.


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