Re: Multi dimensional lists python

Dictionary items are stored arbitrarily, the only way to order them would be to sort the keys, assuming their labeled properly. Whereas lists are stored sequentially, which makes iterating over them both easier and reliable. In addition to this, you can also do a number of operations on lists that make manipulating the data much easier, like pop, slicing, inserting, sorting, etc. Thats also why their often used to store spacial data, so you can deterministically tell where X in the array is consistently. In the case of Numpy, which is awesome by the way, it allows you to do operations on entire arrays at once, such as:

array1 = array1 * 5

That little line would let you multiply every variable stored in the array by 5, and thats just one of many matrix manupulations you can do. Fun Fact: All image data is stored as a 3D array, width, height, and RGB color values.

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