Re: Lightweight OpenAL Python Wrapper

Sorry for the late response. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about this. I have tried all the modules for distance, and I still can hear the sound source even if it is 70 or so units away from me. I think the solution is to move the player more than one step at a time.  That or keep looping through the list of the players and pause the sound whenever it is supposedly too far away, though I’m not sure how practical that solution maybe in the long term.  The issue with the first approach is the more I move the player, the more sounds seem to jump in terms of pan and volume.  Suggestions?  I like the library, I really do, but it is a bit unnatural when it comes to panning.
If you want to see what I sort of want, you can try playing a hero’s call and listening to it’s 3-D sound positioning. I am not sure that it uses open Al, though.  There are also playthroughs of it on YouTube, the most notable one being by Liam Ervin  so you can get an idea of sound positioning that way.

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