Win32 App Accessibility

Hey all,

I'm just doing a quick survey to ask about the accessibility of win32 apps over time.

I think a major reason why accessibility dipped in the 2000s was because of a migration to the web, causing people to basically loosen up standards. Plus a lot of people using technology like Flash which was innovative at the time for ease of implementation and just the sheer amount of shit you could do with it, but also not remotely consistent with accessibility.

However I have heard a few reports through the years that win32 apps have had variable quality over the years. I'm trying to pin down exactly the reason why, but while writing out some thoughts I had on accessibility I realized I didn't actually know much about the accessibility experience of win32 apps themselves over time.

So yeah, just talk about your experience using win32 apps, and how the transition away from win32 apps affected you. In regards to applications used for completing tasks, like forms or things like word processors, how did the accessibility landscape evolve for you?

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