Re: question about christianity


Don't want to make my post too long, since if  did that I'd be going way beyond my bounds... and since I'm not as well-versed in this kind of study. but as a Christian who considers myself to be pretty open-minded to about everything... I would say that while there are some denominations and believers who are as extreme as Tward said, that's far from the case in a lot of circumstances... as Dark said, Christianity is so complex and so wide spread. I don't think it's appropriate to say Christianity on a whole is bad just because the personal examples you've seen haven't been good. That would be like saying every single Chinese person is cheap or a bad driver just because your local group of chinese populus happens to be that way. As for faith being about purely personal belief as opposed to evidence, not exactly true... Christians in nowadays are much more open if not accepting of the fact that religion and science can co-exist together, the Catholics especially. Our faith does, in fact, come from historical evidence... and archeological as well. The remains that have been discovered lately of what has the exact dimentions and approximate appearance to be Noah's arc, for example. Do I believe the world to be 6000 years old? Not really... nor do I believe in the creation of the world in litterally six days. And many christians I know share the same perspective... but I also believe that if God could create Adam as a man rather than as an infant, then he could've created the world aged and then sent it on its way. But the personal experience or encounter with god is something which also contributes heavily to my faith. I've been part of at least a few freak accidents where I would've had to be lucky within an inch to escape serious harm, and yes, I have had prayer answered... not by a litteral voice, but I have had answers. I wasn't raised as a Christian... in fact there was a point where I would say I walked away from it. It took me 6 years to find my way back... after about 8 years of half-heartedly going to church while not really wanting to.

I would agree though, that the church and state should be a little more separated... not entirely, because I do believe there are good things to come as a result of following the plan God has for each and everyone of us, and for our nations. But I'm also willing to respect others enough to know that not everyone will choose the same as I... do I think salvation is key? Yes. Do I think as many people should accept Christ as possible? Yes... but I'm not going to force myself on anyone and smack them in the face with a Bible. But to lump Christianity into the same category as radical extremist Muslim activities is a litle unfair, imho.


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