Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi now i have some things to say wich other people maybe dont like to hear.
i think aprone you are a bitt strange with that hackers cheaters and so on.
first i have some friends who dont have an account yet, because you opend and closed new acounts on last christmas.
you close them all. why cant i visite friends take my laptop with me, and play swamp.
you banned 1 of them and banned a whole  3 or 4 people who are visiting each other and play swamp at 1 table. they are eating together sleeping in 1 building buy things together and spend a good time. together.
and they never haked your sistem. they have writen you a message, and asked you to open them your answer was, no, you maid be a hacker it was my mistake and so they do not play swamp anymore.

some people of them had a level 40 or 50 .
i told my self i cant never visite anyone to play swamp from there network.
here in germany we have rumors that you aprone  dont like germa n players is that right?  and if this is trough i wont pay for an account.

greatings from germany


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