Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

A hat tip to Gamemaster for suggesting to connect "all my games" to telnet. It kind of clicked with me that they all use the same base level libraries. Instead of trying to wrap a telnet interface around each one, I could do it at a base level and do them all at once.
And so I have.
You can now telnet to port 65500 to connect to my games. The first time you should register an ID. After that you can log in with that. You can then list the games that are there, and pick one to play. (If you are already a player and want to connect up your telnet account to your Echo/Assistant account, drop me a line.)
I'm not sure how well they will work. I've tried Six Swords and 5 Draw Poker a bit and they seem to do OK. The matching is pretty brutal though. It is case insensitive, but that is as far as it goes. Right now you have to spell anything out fully. I'll work on that, but please post any particularly laborious phrases and I will put in custom short cuts. And please report any bugs. I'm sure there will be lots.

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