Randin adventure roguelike 2 is in early access on the play store!

A modern old-school text-based game inspired by MUDs, RPGs, and Roguelike genre.

Be the hero of your own story in a randomly generated world!

Live a unique adventure every time you play - discover new islands, improve your skills, complete quests, get rewarded for them, get the best possible gear, craft potions, fight hundreds of monsters and discover much much more in Random Adventure Roguelike II.

Play the permadeath mode if you are brave enough - or play no permadeath if you are a chicken so you can re-incarnate every time you die…

You can also save up to 3 slots of your different games and depending on your mood of the day you can choose to continue with one slot or the other smile

Explore the infinite possibilities of RAR II

· Islands: randomly-generated islands with their unique maps and secrets to uncover…

· Villages: where you can take a rest at the inn, eat at the bar, buy/sell items at the different shops, talk with the villagers and much more…

· Equipment: buy or craft your best equipment and defeat the monsters crossing your way! Defeat the bosses or find a mysterious Merchant Master to obtain the best gear!

· Monsters: kill them, pick up the gold or items they may drop and much more...

· Quests: Villagers and other NPCs will ask you for different quests in exchange of gold and sometimes even better rewards…

· Skills: Unlock skills with your Skill Points obtained when leveling up… be Unbreakable, a Chef, a Survivor, a Swimmer, a Cannibal or even a Berserk... amongst others! Learn the skills that will best help you survive!

· Items: Dozens of different items to obtain, craft, wear, wield, eat… Cut trees with a Chopping Axe to obtain Wood, repair your tools with the Whetstone, craft a Diamond Helmet using a Diamond obtained with a Pickaxe, drink a Big Stomach potion so you are able to hold longer without eating… there’s plenty to collect and to do…

· Crafting Recipes: There are lots of crafting recipes to be found when traveling around, look for them in Chests, when killing monsters, in the Armories, Alchemists, etc…

· Locations: Explore mountains, forests, caves, cemeteries, deserts, tundras, dragon lands and even hell, and much more…

The more you discover the more surprises await you - and many other surprises you will discover once you dig into your own random adventure!

Someone said about RAR I: "This is the game with the best graphics ever: your imagination!"

As a one man developer, after more than 2 years in the making, I am excited to share RAR II in which you will find “The Best of RAR I” enriched with all that I’ve learned in the past few years and lots of surprises!

I hope you have at least as much fun as I’ve had while making this!


If you have any suggestions, doubts, ideas, bugs, etc... check the subreddit:  https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomAdventureRogue, 


·  https://game-icons.net, / I’ve been using icons from this site, thanks!

· KolyaKorruptis is the Reddit user who made the brand new logo for the game and also gave some quotes for the Villagers.

· If you like the music, you can check for more from Archison (me tongue) here:  https://soundcloud.com/archison, /

· Reddit community and all users who have been emailing me for the last few years… without your support I wouldn’t have had the courage to make RAR II… thanks smile

A direct link via the in-game share option is at the end of this post. You can pick it up for 2 dollars and 99 cents. This is just as playable with talkback as the first. This is still in early access, but I was so excited about this game that I wanted to let you all know in case you had as much fun with the first as I did. In spite of its status, it does feel pretty polished. So here is the link. Enjoy!

Play 'Random Adventure Roguelike II! https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … roguelike2

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