Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I've created a Microsoft Excel file which you can use to calculate the approximate protection of a given armor setup. The top part of the sheet simply recreates the numbers from the readme file. From row ten onward is where the calculations start. Collumn a contains each body part, (armor slot) that is available. Next to that in column B is for the type of armor in that slot, and C is for the amount of skillpoints spent on that level of armor. Collumns D and E show the minimum and maximum protection available from the inputs in B and C. Simply put the type of armor, V for very low, L for low, M for medium, H for high, or W for widely varying, into column B, and the skillpoints, if any, in column C. D and E will show you how much protection, out of 100% that slot will give you with the level and points given. At the bottom of this section are the total minimum and maximum protection you have, capped at 95%.
Here is the link: … lator.xlsx
Now for an example. Let's say you have a very low piece of armor in the head slot, medium armor in the shoulder and chest slots, and high armor in the legs slot. This character also has no points in very low armor, 20 in medium and 30 in high. You would enter V into B11, M into B12 and B13, and H into b15. As the character has no skill in very low armor, you would simply leave c11 blank. Since they have 20 points in medium armor, you would enter 20 in both c12 and c13. Lastly, you would enter 30 into C15. At this point you're done. You will see that the armor will soak 43-47% in d17 and e17.
If you have any questions please let me know.


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