Re: Warsim, text based randomly generated stratogy

I'm going to post the smaller things I've been collecting lately since Omar posted his, that way they might make it into an interim update or something, though if not that's cool too.

**Text Errors**
Custom kingdom name not reflected when checking faction rankings with general
Rebels are still called "the rebels of Aslona" even if you have a custom name.
Visiting champeons said to be from Aslona regardless of custom kingdom name in royal ceremony
Aslona related suffixes for champeons should be removed/changed when custom kingdom name is active.
Exposed ascii in minor goblin bands screen
Exposed ascii when hiring berserkers in goblinwood
Exposed ascii at mount saaroth camp
When prisoners don't earn much that year, the entry is repeated twice in the end of turn report
tons of spelling errors in various parts of hunter's rest
the book Lost Artifacts has allot of spelling errors
Extra words in speak to bearfolk elder option of Fjori
"claims" instead of "claim" and "are" instead of "and" when entering shadow assassins tower after having already hired one.
Word "knights"  replaced with "peasants" when in convert soldiers to knights screen of grand barracks
Messed up spacing on invite great gar'galock item in thrownroom entertainment.
Extra word "the" before "each other" in info text when choosing ruler type in custom game options.
"robber" instead of "robbed" in minor bandit group random bandit text "I don't rob lowly peasants as a rule, me father was a farmer and I know how terrible being robber would be for a man of his wealth and standing"
"of" instead of "on" in minor bandit group random bandit text "Better to be an outlaw in a pack than an outlaw out of his own, and so here I am"
"you" instead of "your" in Info text when talking to any minor bandit group.
Extra "an" in description for strange green mound in wild north
"vision" instead of "visions" when armed man with visions of fighting with you on the battlefield enters your court.
"hearby" instead of "hereby" in arena owner tournament intro text.
extra "the" in slavers guild end of turn report entry
Extra "the" when asking for tribute from musicians guild.
"times" instead of "time" when asking oldest tree about old ruined outpost.
Extra "the" in description for the Talisman of Brothers
"who" instead of "who's" in scythe of fertility description text
"grap" instead of "grab" while one nomad slips and nearly falls but manages to pull him self up while rock jumping.
"competed" instead of "completed" when old ruined fort is 1 turn away from being rebuilt.
"seem" instead of "see" in Akall fortress description
"sgain" instead of "again" in upgrade slavor fort walls again option.
Extra "the" in crazy person imprisonment text "The man lets off an aggressive sigh before falling to the the floor dramatically", your guards quickly carry him out.
"though" instead of "through" in "Disable Arena Fighters being entered into the Tournament though wins" option in arena rules.
Extra word "was" in descriptions for both goblin kingdoms.
When public opinion falls after sacrificing a bunch of peasants for a strange faction leader to form a truce, it says "your" instead of "you"

When asked if you want to bet on a champeon in the tournament if you are not the arena owner, answering yes skips the bet selection/amount screens.
Still seemingly getting only half gold from buya trades
You get +1 prisoner even when a questing knight who tries to kill you when you throw him in the dungeons attacks you/runs and is killed by a guard.
Tax tax on banking tax is always 10 gold no matter what.
Sacrificing peasants to the demon totems makes them show up as ruins in the explore menu.
New stuert can show you report from previous one, which may be useful to compare them, but he specifically says it's his.
Blutrii buying merchant at owned farm uses militia master peasant buy dialogue when buying from you? yikes
Got a dockrow entry text while entering guildrow.  Mentioned a man running out of a tavern yelling "it's not true!"
Killing a refugee from another kingdom doesn't trigger the execute sound.
Peeing goblin execution sound is oddly quiet.
Mining background sounds not working.

It costs very little to make peace with the goblin kingdoms even at -100 relation.
Maybe consider somewhat lowering the arena betting limit per land owned do to the crazy boost it can give you in the early game with subsidizations and no gambling tax, especially since we now have other ways of making money earlier in the game via the east doc company, using bandits to steal from your enemies, raids on weak factions, taking the two closest mines with cheap slave soldiers or goblins, all the trade roots ETC.
I know that they aren't supposed to be easily tied back to you, but realistically, mercenary strikes should provoke a faction into attacking you, otherwise it's just totally unfair before the new combat system is completed.
IMHO you get way too many demons from the overlord and it makes things boring.  Maybe it should be based on difficulty setting?
If you win the tournament, shouldn't you not be able to make another bet that year?
The bank interest rate for stored gold still sucks so much that it's basically meaningless
You should probably lose popularity when making a truce with the bandit hoard
IMHO the goblin slaver guards should be more expensive, at least the lower ranks.
I feel like the guards for the grand champion should be much more expensive given the amounts of money going back and forth in that place.
Champion training at the combat academy should be more expensive given the amount of gold you can make in the arena via tournaments.
The goblin translator should probably cost more do to the usefulness of the service.
The goblin spawning building has allot of ranks that don't really seem necessary, and it's just very expensive for what you get given the battle score and average slaver prices.  I understand the benefits of having goblins without allowing goblin slavery, but it costs some to make them actually useful anyway, and that's after spending the money to build a barracks, plus you can always get slave soldiers from the slaver's fort for really cheap.
There should either be a way to filter out game masters or they should be grouped with entertainment in the throne room rules.
When your a demon king, you shouldn't get suicidal demons in your court, or maybe they should join you?
It would be cool if the order of roses could give you more knights per turn e.g. 5-10, since it can take allot to capture and takes time to get there anyway.
It seems like the brawler's pit should bring in more money given how popular it is and how you need to keep stocking it with new fighters which also cost money.
Gold rewards in the monster pit seem really small considering how much it costs to buy and run the place, and how much the constant  potential for popularity loss can mean in certain cases.
Just as tax tax and banking tax cause popularity drop each turn, I believe that breathing tax, walking tax, and peasant looting should too.
IMO if you retreat while trying to take over a fort/mine/village ETC, you shouldn't get a chance again until the next turn.
You should only be able to ask a merc group for assimilation once per turn
Maybe you should only be able to send one gift to a faction per turn so you can't spam relation, but you could always increase the maximum amount...
If you refuse a questing knight's trial for combat demand when imprisoning them you should get a popularity decrease for being dishonorable.
Imprisoning those trying to give you gifts should have a higher chance of popularity loss IMO
Turning away/killing refugees from other kingdoms with legitimate complaints should have a chance to lose you popularity.'
Executing refugees from other kingdoms who have done legitimately bad things should gain you popularity with that kingdom.
Imprisoning the outlaw wanting you to forgive all prisoners probably shouldn't lose you popularity.
Straight up releasing obvious criminals should lose you popularity, but it only does if they are a rebel it seems.
There should be popularity loss for firing the love cult, just as with ending the goblin celebration.
Since automatic disbanding is the easiest way to get new merc groups that are better, I suggest that the merc rest hall only protects hired groups from disbanding.
In general I wish you could do more with Arasuk as a demon king, but at least the tavern people suggesting you hate them for being evil should be removed.
Buya vampires in the tavern trying to intimidate you should probably be changed/removed if you are a demon king, considering you could easily kick all their undead asses and your just as evil as them if not more so.
As a demon king you shouldn't be afraid of the demon when the man in the red X house summons one.
The mercenary outpost and combat academy in the north could have better dialogues for hiring.
It would be helpful to have a confirmation prompt when creating your own king name, and a contextual example when choosing pronouns.
The load tip gets annoying for screen readers as you see it every time something is generated during game start and it's always the same one.
IMO starved slumperson encounter shouldn't show up if the slums are doing well.
You would think that bandit scourge would be in crime policies.
Accused person says "A king will do as he does" regardless of player gender.

**Feature Suggestions**
It would be interesting if you could get some popularity from converting bandits into soldiers (+1 per 100?)
More demon worshiper quotes for the camp would be nice as there are only three ATM.
It would be cool if soldiers were more likely to become broots and warriors than bandits when providing them to the brawler's pit.
Tentacle whip/lash and or tangling the opponent so they would miss a turn would be a cool move for monsters with the tentacle like legs part
Headbutt/charge would be a cool move for the massive scull monster part

Let me know if you want the rest, I decided to just share the ones that I (not being a coder) thought seemed easier for now, since your busy with the combat update.

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