iPhone VS. Android, a debate never solved, but one that can persuade

I've gotten an iPhone 5S for my birthday just recently, and now I'm debating for the future to go with Android or stick with Apple...

I'm slowly catching up to everyone else, what with Windows 8 and now IOS 7, and am wondering, just exactly how different is Apple compared to Android?

I like VO's sound quality so much better than TalkBack.  However, I hear Eloquence is coming to Android.  I'm also wondering about the typing feature on Android, if you can use the standard way of typing on the keyboard (where you move your finger around, and use another finger to press the key you want, instead of lifting your finger).  I've used my mom's tablet with Talkback, but the browser was not accessible at all.  I'm imagining you can use a dictation-like program for speaking texts and such, like Siri?

Do braille displays work with Android?

Is there an Android where its size is comparable to the smallness of th e iPhone?

I know this is a lot of questions, but I'm nowhere near knowledgeable in this field to make my own answers known.

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