Alter Aeon March Update

A lot's happened on Alter Aeon since our 19th anniversary in January!  Here's a list of just the major things we've been doing since then.

There are three new areas:

- The Island of Hakahaka, by Kagome.  This is a level 33 area in the southeast ocean.
- The Ralnoth Fen, by Draak.  This is a level 30 area southeast of Ralnoth.
- The Sashala Fortress, by Shadowfax.  This is a level 34 area south of the Dust Sea.

There are three updated areas:

- The Cathedral, level 32, updated by Bloodlust
- Castle Avalon, level 33, updated by Bloodlust
- The Haunted Crypts, level 16, updated by Satirus

There are six new articles:

- Defensive Spells, by Lexie
- Utility Spells for Druids, by Shadowfax
- Druid Runecraft, by Shadowfax
- Druid Salves and Tinctures, by Shadowfax
- 2013 Year In Review, by Athlon
- 2013 Year In Review, by Dentin

See our articles page at for links.

Code changes:

- Lots of improvements to the new druid class, including brew analyze, more animal skills, carving, and spellstaffs.
- Add a bunch of new achievements.
- Various improvements to the pk system, for those who like to pk.
- Lots of blind friendly updates.
- Reorganize and clean up low level cleric spells.
- Improvements to boat sailing, allowing them to more easily reach ports and landing spots.
- Low level players in groups now have a chance of being rescued by the gods instead of dying.
- Add quality indicators to items, showing which ones can be more heavily enchanted and improving reforged items.
- High level areas are now listed by total levels instead of primary level.

For new players, we have added equipment shops on the new player islands, with lots of good equipment for each class at various levels.

The Mush-Z client has als o received a pile of updates in the last couple of months. This includes bug fixes, a new and improved config system, new sounds, new updaters, and support for testing beta versions.

New players are of course welcome.  We'd love to see you there!

Alter Aeon MUD


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