My free and open-source hobby operating system

Hello all,
So I thought I might actually post about this now since I linked to it in another thread on this forum. I've held off on this for some time because I don't think its remotely close to being truly qualified as an OS. But its something and I'm here to share that. smile
Please note that I am in no way trying to compete with Linux, Mac OS, Windows, BSD, QNX, OS/2, etc. big_smile I am just doing this for fun and because I love learning about these things. I am hoping to share that knowledge with others.
Also note that the documentation is very sparse (if not downright nonexistent). At this time documentation is not my highest priority, especially given the fact that I have college and real life getting in my way, so I do apologize for that.
Note that this OS is written in Rust and, though I'd be happy to teach people on how it all works, playing with the code is a hole different matter. The key warning is to not run this on real hardware. This OS is not ready for that. Feel free to help me out with the project if you so like (but I do expect you to know what your doing) but never run this on real harware. A VM can be broken all you like and can be easily replaced; a real computer, not so much.
This OS does not support even 1/32 of what Linux does when it boots up. It is very minimal, does not support SMP, cannot execute programs, and so on. I'm working on that but right now I'm stuck on getting disk IO working.
The project is located at Feel free to contribute, though please, please debug your code before you submit it upstream -- at least make sure it doesn't throw a processor exception (#GP, #PF, ...). Also, if anyone does want to dive into this, I commend you and would like to hereby call out anyone who chooses to aid me in this endeavor insane. Of course, I started it, so I'm a bit insane too. (And how would life not be fun with a bit of insanity?) Either way, be ready to digest truckloads of information because you are *not* writing a computer program any more. You are not writing a game engine or even a game. You are writing drivers and hardware abstractions to build the foundation where a game engine and game can be built on. I will be happy to provide you resources to help you out, though I don't use the primary language for OS development (C) so you'll need to be reasonably good at porting code, or be able to make up new ways of doing things.
This OS currently supports... not much. It is able to catch all the main interrupts, use the real time clock, initialize the Intel High Definition Audio (HDA) controller, enumerate PCI devices, read input from the keyboard, play beeps through the PC speaker and that's pretty much it. There are some files in the repository that are not linked into the main build -- this is usually because they are still being worked on and it would make the build fail or be even more unstable should I link them in. Again, do not be afraid to dive in to the code, and do not be afraid to ask questions and contribute.

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