Re: Minecraft for the blind?
It may be more favorable to work with a menu style system rather than a selection of hotkeys, at least for most things. There's a list of minecrafts controls [here], as ironcross32 mentioned the hotbar is associated with the number keys as quick select slots. The "Q" key is for dropping items currently held by the player, or in this case selected either from the inventory or from the hotbar, "F" is for swapping items in the players main and off hand, and "E" is for opening the players inventory and closing any other open GUI.
The problem with minecrafts inventory system is that it has no keyboard handling for going over the grid of items, or a means to accessibly identify them. It shouldn't be that difficult to fix that, and while the inventory is open use the arrow keys to go over and identify items. Assigning items to the hotbar could just involve pressing a number key while over an item to assign it to that number on the hotbar when the inventory is closed. Things like crafting involve moving up to 4 items into specific slots in the inventory and hitting a craft button, which may convert them into a new item in yet another specific slot in the inventory. Other menus like potion crafting or smithing and such are opened as a result of interacting with in game objects.
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