Re: What is sound and how is it represented?

thank you guys for all your replies, resources and advices, I will definitely check them out.
I'm very interested in this sound's wavy nature, as I'm dealing with very similar things in quantum physics, where particles move like waves. It's not like these two things have any real connection, as Sound is a travelling vibration while quantum interference is about movement of particles, but the math behind it should be somewhat similar. Or that's at least what I guess, because Sound can interfere as well, but I'll need to dive in to get concrete view. smile
Anyway, thank you again. I have no problem with math, or Python, this seems like a joyful reading. smile

P.S. Sorry for bringing back the old topic, I was quite busy after I had created it and had no time to reply. Now  when I read it back, I thought it would be nice to leave a word, when you have already invested your time to me. smile

Best regards


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