Re: The seventh Doctor and Ace

Well Fastfinge, remember  the original doctor who series spanned 26 years of tv, and like any tv series went through good and bad writers and  good and bad moments.

While I was never a fan of Mccoy and  ace on tv as I said, Fenric and Ghostlight are just down right awsome, and if your looking for a character arc and development you'll find it  there.

While it is generally true the  classic series was more episodic, at the same time  there  were some awsome episodes, and ones that involved the Doctor in fairly major conflicts with long standing characters. Doctor who and the silurians for example has the  3rd Doctor and  Brigadier directly at odds over whether the newly awakening silurians are a threat or not.

Then you get to stories like Genesis of the Daleks which are simply awsome, indeed   genesis is one of the occasions when I actually agree with people about Tom baker.

Of course there are some real clunkers, and sadly several of them involve my favourite Doctor Mr. C baker, for example there is no sense in which time and the Rani could be considdered a decent story, although I personally enjoyed the Two doctor which is so often bashed by reviewers.

Then of course go right back to the 60's, and you have what is essentially more a  tellevised stage play than a series as we would understand it now, indeed the third story, Edge of destruction just! involves the Doctor, Ian Barbara and Susan in the tardis together with things going gradually  wrong.

While  it is true that I do miss a little of the extra characterization and backstory given to some of the doctor's assistants by Bf, at the same time  there are classic tv stories I really! like and would recommend to  anyone just as absolutely well put together stories if nothing else, for all there are the opposite.

Indeed I do sometimes find myself that Doc tor who fandom can be waaaaaay too negative sometimes, especially about certain people or episodes. For example, Trial of a timelord is a personal favourite of mine, though it seems to be disliked by lots  of people.

this is why though I dislike The Moph intensively, I would never  say the entire Mat smith era has been a waste, sinse I still believe  there are some good episodes in there,  (the ones not written by moph).


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