Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well just heard chapter 43 part 3 (I was away on monday but got to it today).

I actually suspected what would happen to Datu when they reached the arena, what with it having so much significance as related to Sam's death. Personally I did find Samantha's death quite a thing just because of the relationship that developed between Datu and Samantha, and the way that things progressed over time and were even revisited in Kolani's story. I did think there would be another death in chapter 43, sinse as  has been said Datu pretty much has been expected to die ever sinse the bight, and so it wasn't so much a shock when it happened. This is why as I suspected someone would die later in the chapter,  and it was just a question of whether it would be saul, Lizzy or the baby.

I'm sorry it ended up being Lizzy, especialy with everything they went through, albeit I didn't find myself as much affected by Lizzy's death as I did Datu' ;s affective death earlier or Samantha's, mostly because  it was sort of expected (really Life and death was something of a giveaway title).

I agree about Pegs, she's always been a bit of a fifth wheel and it never seemed Michael's attraction to  her really had much behind it,  it also felt a bit too much that the hellicopter thing was stuck in just  to give her something to do.

Regarding Inc, if this is the  last series I'm a little worried that we won't get enough answers to be satisfying. While I don't mind mystery, at the same time we keep getting hints that basically haven't said much.

We know ink was  making zombies right from the sceen in  the hospital  in I believe chapter 23, and that he got a bit more extreme in prison or tried out zombie pregnancy really doesn't add much information. indeed, right from the point the little ones first appeared as sort of  baby zombies I thought it was fairly obvious that they had been born in the nromal  normal way and I'm quite surprised we didn't get to see where they were born earlier in the series.

If this weren't the last series I'd be less worried, but as it is it seems the zombie revelations of what ink is up to are coming a bit slowly. I personally expected to get the information in season 3 especially with the introduction of the military and after the hospital, and then find season 4 to be dealing with it, so I do hope the ending is justified if this is indeed the end.

Regarding Ink and zombie creation, well I suspect that the women were indeed pregnant first off and then became  infected, which indeed was something I was wondering about the little ones.


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