Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Thanks, you beat me to it. The rainforest, Mamia and the Great Cave whatever-it's-called are not off limits. It's a bit annoying to get back there, but you can do it.

Darren, the only thing I have left to say to you is this.
You cite my insistence on the search feature as a reason why I shouldn't be a mod here. Apparently I'm annoying/insulting/hurting/upsetting people (you, ostensibly) by doing this. In characterizing me thus, however, you fail to note the literally hundreds of posts I've made helping players, both with this game and with others. I wrote a whole freaking guide for manamon 1, for pete's sake. I've given my reflections on hundreds of manamon, in this thread and for the original game, as well as feedback, both constructive and more critical, for dozens of games over the years. I've been helpful with advice, compassion and support for those who need it. I am not always gentle, but I don't think it's accurate to try and characterize me primarily by my telling people to use the search feature. Rather, I think you're stuck on this because you refuse to use said search feature and don't like it when someone points out that you're not doing your own legwork. Rather than just admit that this behaviour annoys you, you're using it to represent an argument and a condemnation of my character. More, you're doubling down on your desire to try and smear me or the site itself using BSG. Hopefully this is not something you gain any traction with, or even attempt, as it would reflect rather poorly on you. And I don't mean that in the way of popularity contests. What I mean is that a person who responds to being annoyed by trying to start huge forum drama is kind of not worth taking seriously on that front. I guess an easier way to say this is that you may have reason to be annoyed with me, but is that truly a reason to try and claim that I'm a bad moderator? And is that reason enough to deliberately try and start forum drama over it? Doesn't that smell like a grudge to you? Because it does to me, that's all. I suspect that this, right here, is one of the reasons I'm on the staff team and you are not. While I am by no means perfect, I try very hard not to slam people without good reason, and I try to maintain a level head where possible. I urge you to try and do the same.

I'd also like to point out, again, for the folks at home, that no one, to my knowledge, has ever been punished for finding fault with a staff member, privately or publicly. Any insinuation to the contrary is fear-mongering, false, and done on bad faith. If you want to report a staff member, go ahead. Nothing will "conveniently happen to you" and nothing ever has, to my knowledge. Anyone who has proof to the contrary, I invite you to share it. Anyone who does not have proof of this, and is going to continue spreading the myth that staff will punish you if you criticize them, actually risks the very sanctions they imply. Put another way: do not try to scare people into thinking that we cannot or will not be criticized. Evidence will speak for itself. Nobody has been punished for criticizing staff, so long as it is done in a way that does not contain needless personal attacks or character assassination.

Oh also, I missed something in the flood, my apologies.

You're right. I can't make a game, not from scratch at least. I can't code. I don't know how. I'm not sure if you can code, but surely you're not trying to invalidate my criticism because I can't make a game? Because that pretty much means that anyone who buys a thing and then can't replicate it on their own is unable to criticize it. Great way to shut down opinions and constructive conversation, bro.
But what I do have is twenty or so years experiencing the pokemon metagame both first and second-hand. What I also have is about a decade and a half exploring, learning about and taking part in game development. I work for a browser-based RPG which, while it's not exactly enormous, happens to be staffed by several people who know the industry really well. I know a good deal about how code works even if I don't know how to write it. I know about scope and power creep. I know about good documentation practices, optics, bug reporting, quality control, beta testing, balance, etc. I have a lot of experience, so there's a better-than-average chance that when I open my mouth and say something critical, I know what I'm talking about.
Now tell me, Darren: where is your similar experience? Where do you get off telling me that because I can't make a game, my experience is invalid? Do you actually have an answer, or just more vitriol to spew? Because I'd really like to know.

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