Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

@nocturnus, you've been taken in, don't you realise that John is actually an alt account for Jack. That is why John always agrees with what Jack says, even when Jack is talking rubbish?

I mean, John only joined the forum after Jack  got that temporary ban for that giant fiasco with thee beanstalk. It was odd, Jack had been such a frosty character up to that point, but then he showed his true colours, he was really nimble and quick to change, and completely stuck up the candle if you ask me.

then of course, there was that nasty business where Jill claimed Jack led her up that hill and completely let her down, though I suspect that was as much Jill's fault as Jack's, after all, they both got splashed at that point, and remember Jack's got his finger in a lot of pies, not just on this forum.

so yes, jackk is trouble! infact he's a giant sized forum killer in my opinion and should get the boot as soon as possible, as should John, Jonathon, Johnny, Jonty, Jacky, and any other of his proven aliases.

Now George is a totally different matter, I mean, George has been around the internet for such a long while, I've heard he wrote an article in  magazine and made an absolute killing, though he's gone a bit mad since then I admit.

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