Re: Braillemon status update!

I've been pretty busy and not been working on the project due to work/school  but I thought I would address some questions.

I have a suggestion for this. Maybe you could put a ini file for sounds? For instance, something like this: (i have no knowledge for programming but, maybe this could be something helpful)
Sound.location = braillemon\sounds
Cries.location = braillemon\cries
Music.location = braillemon\music
In any of those cases, we can simply edit the location to whatever folder our new sound and pokemon cries are stored. If it is in the music folder for the current user, simply replace the location after the = sign with the location of the music folder.

I don't really want to do that honestly, and the resources for the game are stored in a single file. The voices in the anime vary from season to season and are inconsistent.

Also, i thin k the TM Brock gave you after the gym battle is not supposed to be curse, it's supposed to be bide. Also, i think the TM's are bugged. Even after i used it on a pokemon, it still gives me the option to use it on another one of my pokemon. I thought TM's are only supposed to be used once. The one the can be used multiple times, if my memories didn't fail me, HM's. I don't think TM's can be used this way.
Thank you.n

This was intentional. I changed the TM list because the TM list in Gen I is pretty jacked up (water gun and teleport both waste perfectly good TM slots...). It's actually very similar to the G/S/C TM list.

mr.brunete wrote:

don't know if this was said before, but when i deposit a pokemon in the storage system, i can't retrieve it. there's no pokemon to select when you want to retrieve one.

If you're not using the most recent version, please download it. Otherwise, send me a copy of the save file (savegame.enc). It's a hidden file.

Kenzon Yeoh wrote:

1. When professor Oak speaks after your rival says, "gramps, i'm fed up with waiting!", he says "oh, <player name>, let me think". I think he's
supposed to say the rival's name instead of yours.

You're right. A quick fix.

2. When you enter the pewter city pokemart, it says "viridian city pokemart" instead of "pewter city pokemart"

Another fix. Thanks.

3. A lot of places didn't have coordinates. Examples are route 2/3/4, viridian forest, and pewter city. (Its still quite OK for viridian forest, but i hope you can add coordinates for places like mount moon's cave a nd such? It'll be nice if we can know where is the ladder and something like that.)For route 2, can you add the coordinates for the exit to viridian city and path to viridian forest? For route 3, maybe you can put the coordinates for the exit to pewter city and to route 4. As for Pewter city, could you add the coordinates for the gym, museum, pokemon centre and pokemart?

The coordinates are hard coded, and I probably didn't get around to writing them yet, since at that point I was focused on getting savegames to work. However, I will be adding them as time goes on. It's good that you pointed out where I stopped listing them so it's a bit easier to tell where I have to put them.

Kenzon Yeoh wrote:

Hey Rachel, i think i found a problem with the pokedex:
I captured about 6 or so pokemon already, but when i check how many pokemon i owned, it said "3 pokemon owned" instead of t he actual number.
Also, will pokemon that you see in trainer battles be recorded in the "seen" section of the pokedex? It doesn't seem to record them in it.
Another thing is, will pokemon that you've owned that evolve (say, you have a metapod and it evolved into butterfree) be considered "owned" in the pokedex? Because it doesn't record them, i think. (i have full data on catterpy, a pokemon i caught. But it doesn't record any data about metapod or butterfree even though it evolved already).
Another suggestion: in the later games, there is a pokeball symbol showing that you've caught a pokemon. Can you add that feature to the pokedex? Say, if you press a key, it will say something like, "This pokemon is owned" if it has been caught before. If not, it will say "This pokemon is seen, but not owned" or something along those lines.
Hope we'll get a new release soon!

Mind se nding me a a save file? I haven't encountered this issue. I'm reworking some parts of the pokedex to make it a bit easier anyhow.

EDIT: Just fixed it.

On the owned thing, I can throw the state in pretty easily actually.

nina0116 wrote:

hay daigonite, is braillemon playable in xp yet?  I really liked the version I could play before, but I would like to try out all the new content.

The most recent version should be.


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