Re: Bop it Beats

I have a few more things to add after playing the game some more. Classic mode is very much in the vain of previous bop it games, as the maximum score is 250. You play through one set of songs, then the other pair. After that, you play through both pairs of songs in "lights only" mode, which as I mentioned in the first post plays exactly like Beatbop in other games. Once you complete both pairs of songs again, the game ends with a congratulations message.
DJ mode is where the game really shows its difference. All four songs are in 4/4 time signature. Each set of commands, as far as I can tell, gives you the commands over two measures, then has you repeat them over the next two. In rookie mode, it starts out with giving you two commands, one on beat 1 of each measure. Next, you'll get commands on beats 1 and 3 of the first measure, and on beat one of the second. Lastly, it will add a fourth command on beat 3 of the second measure.
In Expert mode, you will g et more complex timing, including off-beat commands, and commands on back to back beats. For example, you could get something like Spin-it Scratch-it bop-it ... Bop it Reverse Repeat Go! You would need to perform the first three commands on the first three beats, pause a beat, then repeat the second three commands.
Lights only mode plays like expert.
The remix mode, as expected, simply randomly chooses one pair of songs, then lets you use all the different commands, and switch between songs by flipping the device. When the songs end, you get returned to the startup mode where you select a game.


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