Re: The X3 Series, like Smugglers on Steroids

So I finally managed to find time to make my way down to Teladi space and purchase Explorer COmmand Software for my DIscoverer. This, combined with the previously-linked "Galaxy Explorer," script, basically lets me automate the somewhat tedious task of mapping the universe. In addition, the script is set to capture any unowned ships it finds and bring them to the closest neutral or friendly station.

ALso worth noting, the script is designed to handle deploying a satellite network automatically, as well as scanning asteroids as possible sites for mines and the like. All this is configurable via a menu, which I still need to explore more carefully with OCR, though it strikes me that in the worst case I can always use something like Be my EYes for clarification purposes, since we generally only need a few moments of borrowed sight.

I also bought Best Buy and Best Sell locators, which are probably going to come in handy for the next phase of trading. Next up, once I can afford it, a jump drive for my Mercury and probably some more fighter drones, just in case.

As an amusing sidenote, I wandered down into pirate space briefly as well, and managed to avoid pissing them off, which isnot always easy. I accepted a covert ops mission from somebody down there, but didn't realize he would send me to a sector I'd never heard of and couldn't find. Fortunately, failing the mission only lead to him dismissing me from his presence, rather than any worse outcome.

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