Choose your own CaveVenture

Hi guys, I thought I'd make a new thread with the actual game title in the topic. It's been a while, but we've made a new release of the game. Some of the issues raised here have been addressed, namely configurable keys and, at least in the for now highly unstable Linux version, a way to disable the ascii title graphics, so the screenreader-crowd can skip those. Also, resting now rests you until something happens, thus negating the need to rest turn by turn. So, as usual go to for download options. For the foreseeable future we'll also try to add a savegame-feature so you can pick up your session at a later time. There is a lot more content in the making and I will inform you guys about any new release.

Also, thanks for the feedback from this forum. You guys have been a great help thus far.


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