Re: Personal Reflections and Rules to Live By

Jayde, if you don't mind, I'm going to briefly comment on the topic that inspired this one. I would have posted this in the Bloodbath topic, but I don't wish to derail it any further and I feel this topic will do quite nicely. Plus, this ties nicely into your sentiment about respecting our fellow human beings, no matter what walk of life they're in.
I saw the comment asking the OP if she legally changed her name. I'd like to start out by reiterating that my name is not actually Daniel Gero. My legal name, printed on official documentation, the name on my ID card, and the name which everyone refers to me by off forum is Garrett Brown. Nevertheless, a lot of you continue to refer to me as Daniel, Dan, or sometimes Danny/Dannyboy. BTW, not a huge fan of being called Dannyboy, but I digress. Very few of you refer to me as Garrett.
I don't care what you guys choose to refer to me as, both Dan and Garrett will work for me. However, let me ask you this. Why do you refer to me by my forum username rather than my legal name? Is it because it's easier to remember me as Dan, or is it because you believe that I don't wish to be referred to by my legal name and you're calling me Dan out of respect? If it's the latter statement, then why can't you show the same respect for Hailey? Likewise if it's the former statement, would it be safe to assume that you're going out of your way to refer to her by her birth name to antagonize her and force your views upon her?
I must also point out that in some games, I have given myself a female name, because my character in said game was female. By this same logic, would you start screaming at me for playing a female character on that game because it goes against your views? If the answer to that question is no, then why couldn't you treat Hailey with the same respect you would give me in a game? On the other side of the coin, if the answer to that question is yes, then I will politely suggest that you take a long, hard look at your views on the world and contemplate whether or not  you should work on changing them a little bit.
I'm now about to go into my beliefs, so that I can make it clear where I stand in this matter. Feel free to skip past this if you wish.
As I said before, my name is Garrett, and I'm a strait white cisgender male. I'm about as bland as you can get. I'm also from the southern United States, so think of that what you will. I absolutely despise politics with all of my heart and soul, and where possible I do my best to avoid them. I would say I have mostly conservative views, however, I am not totally right wing as I do have some liberal views as well. Included in my views is the idea that no matter what someone thinks or does with their body/mind, it's their choice. Therefore, unless they're actively trying to cut me and my views down, I have absolutely no right to judge them. Even if they're judging me, I still owe it to both them and myself to take extreme caution on how I judge them, so as not to cross a line that shouldn't be crossed. I am not attracted to other guys, and I have no desire to change my gender because I am perfectly happy with who I am as a person. That being said, I will not use that as an excuse to come after anyone else just because they're gay or transgender.
I hope this gives you all some insight on who I am and where I stand as a person. I try my best to let people know who I am out of the gate so that the other person/people and I can better determine if it's worth communicating with each other without butting heads all the time. If any of you guys do not aggree with one or more of my viewpoints, please do let me know. Who knows, maybe you guys have additional insight into something I didn't even think about. All I ask is that if you disagree with me, please do so civilly, and please also explain your reasoning. With that, I shall end this novel. smile Later guys!

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