Re: Any fello transgender people on here?

Unfortunately, LordLundin, as far as I'm concerned, you've just proved most of my points for me.

Rather than get into a quote war, I'm just gonna leave this here.

First, it's hard to see humour when you're talking about the choices of someone else in the way that you're doing. Whether you mean to or not, you are parroting the talking points of many on the right who believe far worse than you apparently do. Basically, you sound a lot like them, and your snark makes this worse. Again, if you don't, can't or won't see this, I don't know what to tell you.

Second, no one except you was talking about scholarships and handouts. Some of these so-called handouts are given for extremely good reasons, BTW. Marginalization? Yeah, that's kind of a thing that happens to non-CIS non-white people quite a bit. And I guess someone got the idea to give these non-CIS non-whites a chance to play a little catch-up in certain ways. The horror! But by bringing up this topic in the first place, you're just muddying the water, making it harder to see what you truly mean. Truthfully, I feel that this was by design, but I can't state for certain what you intended. I can only tell you with certainty the results of your actions.

Third, there is an enormous difference between drinking a beer and going through gender reassignment. the former can be done on the sly, in a moment of reckless abandon. The latter absolutely cannot. To my knowledge, in most developed countries, Haily would actually have to undergo psychiatric evaluation from accredited professionals before being allowed to undergo gender reassignment. She doesn't have to do this in order to just call herself female, or to assume a female gender identity in her everyday life, but as far as the physical surgery? Pretty sure that's mandated by law. You can't just walk in off the street with your legal guardian and say "make me a woman" and have a doctor say "Right then. that'll be five thousand dollars. Here are some pills to make it all a little easier". It's nowhere near that simple. You oversimplify at your peril here.

At this point, there's not much else I can say to you. I didn't even warn you, just bear that in mind. I did the equivalent of "hey, you might want to watch your step", because it's entirely possible that some of the crap you started wasn't fully intentional.

Do us all a favour though? Stop crying foul because I called you out. No one said that you don't have any opinion whatsoever because you're cisgender. That's patently false and misrepresentative and makes me think you're still trying to argue in bad faith. What I said is that if you're not an expert, your objections really don't hold any water. Big difference.

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