Re: help finding people to discuss something with

I'll preface this by saying that there are different things people discuss about this show. There's talk about what happens in the show, of course, but there's also a lot of talk about the show's schedule and direction ("when does the next season start" or "how many princesses will we end up with?" are some examples) and also talk about the show's creators (what they are doing, when are they making appearances and such). Since you've already visited Equestria Daily, you're probably pretty aware of this, or at least the perspect that website projects, which is pretty widely shared.

The other thing to note is that the fandom is fairly large which means there are many groups that form within it. Each with their own appeal and own rules. And yes, sometimes even some rivalry between them. But I think this is a good thing because it gives you more of a choice as to where you want to go. I'll list some of the places I know here but I'm sure there many others.

And, this is probably already obvious, but I'm going to state the obvious a lot. Like right now. smile But that's because I don't know where you've been up to now.

Ok, two more notes before I get down to the list. To answer your post in the other thread, Aaron, which I think these places are much nicer than the rest of the internet, I don't think they avoid misconceptions entirely. So if you've met people who thought that blind people can't use a computer, I think the truth is you'll still meet them there. However, since they may be fending stigmata of their own, they may be more willing to listen once you've explained. But from the get go, I think its inevitable that a number of participants think that way.

Finally, my opinion will obviously seep through my description so I won't try to hold back much. But just because I don't like some aspect of some site or other, it doesn't mean that you won't. And if joining them is what makes you happy and is what you were looking for, by all means do it! smile I'm just one person with one opinion after all.

Last thing before the list: Some of these places may also contain spoilers for future episode. I don't know if that kind of thing bothers you or not.

List of pony places:

1. Equestria Daily.
Description: The most popular news site around. Shapes mainstream fandom opinions by its sheer popularity. Although, some people may be think that it tries too hard to make headlines and sound bites, and perhaps the lack of depth and sophistication in some cases.
Accessibility: Discussions are mostly image free. Content is tagged which helps with searching for only accessible stuff. Except for fan fiction, it has a fairly strong bias for images and videos.
Userbase: Being the "majority of the fandom" so to speak, I think it may be more difficult to pitch different ideas here.

2. Canternet.
Description: This is an IRC network formed by fans. Has quite a few large channels. Although I've had very little contact, I think this might be a good choice to start just because people are somewhat forced to chat in text here. A lot of the other websites I'll mention in the list have a channel on here (such as #EquestriaDaily, #ponychan)
Accessibility: I would think it is good if you have a good IRC client.
Userbase: I haven't been here often enough to know.
Accessibility: Heavy use of images for emotes and images in signatures. Posts with images are allowed but not so frequent.

3. Ponychan
D escription: An imageboard, which is said to have historically welcomed the exiles of 4chan who discovered the show (WARNING: Don't go to 4chan unless you know what you're getting yourself into. Ponychan by contrast is safe).
Accessibility: I think the interface for the site itself is fairly accessible. But being an imageboard, that's a forum where each post can have an image displayed prominently alongside the text (or possibly no text at all) so obviously the informations from those images will be missed (they don't always have indicative filenames).
Userbase: Having been there since the beginning, it has a fairly large number of users. Users and level of discourse vary greatly depending the "board" (a.k.a. subforum) you frequent. /pony/ is the main board for discussing the show but move very quickly (at least for me). So there may be far too many new posts that can be easily missed while you'r e typing. Or maybe not, I don't know.

Sorry, spent to much time on the preface. I'll finish this list in a day or so. Other things I might talk about: The Round Stable, Derpy Hooves news, Reddit, game playing and making groups, myself. smile


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