Re: Bookrage's choiceofgames reviews
hey guys, thought I would give you an update on some releases.
first, I was on vacation so I deleted the alert e-mail but there are two new titles on hosted games that other than that they were released, I am regretably unable to tell you about.
second, Heart's choice has released "A Player's choice" which is a lesbian romance interactive novel where you play an opera singer in a world of social intrigue and rivalries both on and off the stage. I am not particularly interested in this one so probably won't play it.
Lastly, Choiceofgames has released a new title for free on their main platform, though it is only purchaseable from the omnibus app. It is called "Zip: Speedster of Valiant City," and you play a flash-like superhero who is battling the Sloth and his new evil plans. It's only a 48k book but perhaps it will give you guys some fun. It is completely free, though you can pay to get rid of breaks and ads which also unlocks a new feature to help you win. Until the 27th of February, it is only $3 American to purchase.
I'll have another review on Sunday, but thought I'd let you know of the recent releases.
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