Re: Blind Quest: The Enchanted Castle is available now!

Okay I have now finished the game with the new combat mode and here are some thoughts.

Firstly, as I said, I really like the new combat, it makes matters more interesting. I particularly like all the different sounds for the creatures and the different attack speeds, those chrystal gargoils are down right freaky!

I was a bit disappointed that the ghosts didn't have different sounds to standard enemies, and that the sound of Nathan's own sword didn't change once it became enchanted, also as I said earlier, some boss music, and maybe some different ambience for the actual royal palace might be nice.

I also have a bug to report.
I completed the game and finished what I believe were all the quests, indeed I was pleased that all seemed to work, but I was still told I only finished the game for %80, even though I am sure I looked at everything.
Either this is because I missed something, or it is because the games tracking of quest completion isn't working as it should, though I do remember slj speaking of an issue like that.

in future it might be nice to have an actual quest book to track what you'd found and had left to find in the game, especially to give hints on replaying so you could try and find everything, which I confess I am sure I did.

I like the new combat system, however, I will say a number of battles did get rather long winded because of you needing to do the same thing over and over again. This was especially true in fights with the demon. Also, I was a little worried about a repetitive strain injury having to hammer the up arrow so many times big_smile.

So in light of that here are some combat suggestions, which might improve both circumstances.

1: Hold down up arrow for a stronger attack.
Hold to draw back the sword, and release to hitt for a more powerful strike. The longer it's held, the more powerful the swing. However, if Nathan is hit, or dodges, you lose the power.
so combat becomes a game of when to go for short jabs, and when to wind up and swing, rather than just hammering away.

2: attack range.

With the arquibus the signature weapon of Fraida, I was finding it a bit odd that you could just get in there and wail away with your sword, and that people usign the arquibus never had to reload, similarly with crystal dragons, poisonous giant todes and other enemies in the game.

so, my suggestion is to include long, and short ranged combat.

At long range, Nathan can only dodge incoming attacks, however he can use healing potions.
At short range, Nathan can attack with his sword.

Some enemies (like the arquibussiers), can only attack at long range, some enemies can only attack at short range.
some enemies attack far slower at long range than at short range, and some enemies (like the Necromancer who presumably can throw magical energies), are equally deadly at both.

The player can change range by hitting the tab key, cycling between "long" and "short" with a voice message.
However, enemies can also change range, and the player is informed when they advance or retreat, and since Nathan is a short range only fighter, he will need to advance to do damage.
What makes life more difficult, is that changes in range aren't instant, but last a few seconds, so the layer will need to watch their health more carefully, as using a healing potion will mean retreating.

combine this suggestion with the first, and you also have the potential for some very interesting sword maneuvers, EG if the player holds the up arrow right before hitting tab to close with the enemy, and winds up a strong hit when Nathan get's close enough.

Combine this idea with the above suggestion and you have some quite interesting battles.


I find it strange that Nathan never actually parries attacks with his sword, that he only dodges.
so, my suggestion is to implement a parry mechanic.

If the player holds the up arrow and another arrow at the same time when an enemy attacks, they execute a parry.
This does no actual damage, but increases the time before the next attack, giving Nathan more time to do damage, though of course, if the range suggestion above is implemented, this would only be possible at close range.

the only problem about executing a parry, is that firstly, if Nathan misses, he will be parried himself, and the enemy will get in a free hit.
the second problem, is that executing a parry, since it involves physically catching the opponents' blow with his own weapon, will jar Nathan's arm and actually cause him to suffer a minimal amount of damage himself, making them only really useful at the start of fights.

Again, combine this with the first suggestion regarding wind up attacks, and you have the makings for some tactical swordplay, EG if Nathan begins a fight with a parry, then winds up for a strong hit on his enemy whilst the foe is stunned.

Hope you like these ideas for either this game, or the next. and good luck with development.

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