Re: Grail to the Thief: An Interactive Audio Adventure

I would like to know what the self-aware time machine, TEDI, is.
A wrist watch? an in the ear device?
A pendant around the neck?
It would be interesting if at some point the TEDI was taken or dropped.
it would be good to earn some money so your thief doesn't have to take everything.
How about a beer drinking game?
You could keep hitting the drink choice and have to determine when to stop.
If you drank too much, you would pass out and lose.
If you passed out you would find the axe missing.
If you won, you would get money from your competition.
You could get a reward from the blacksmith by catching the dog.
With the axe you could chop wood to earn money.
Is that a Troll crying by the drawbridge?
Or a lady locked up in a cage who needs your help?
Or a lady troll who will attack you if you let her out?
An idea for a mini game would be chess but with the pieces two steps from checkmate.Or an archery game in which you had to determine which way to aim based on changing wind direction.
For example if the wind was from the left, you would have to aim left to compensate.
If the wind was in your face, you would have to aim higher.


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