I I'll do my best to stay right here usually

I'm glad that that we have more folks have come by and are it is also I think maybe some recent I'll all the right back here it seemed kind aloud is that said okay I I'll do my best to stay right here usually when I'm in class I'm kind of walking around at all cover by the microphone so actually some I'm happy to be here believe it's hard for me to believe this is actually the end by 2050 year at the High seems like only yesterday I was here I don't know whether probably not many have you had had been class are access thinking the other day that number of the faculty that I knew when I first came in have since retired on Singh particularly jackpot anybody object Paul LIPO G3 GARCINIA cambogia County okay Jack Paul maybe no retired a couple years ago what may be thinking was my first day on campus back in the fall 1987 a bad round ball right before they built the route center Business College build the business card was Houston drowned home now the home of the English department and I was walking down the hallway and Jack Paul stop and he said so you're the new economist I said I'm the new economy and he said let me tell you about economics story that has stayed with me ever since he said this is economics he said a man goes up in a hot air balloon and big wind storm unexpectedly comes so is blown miles and miles in one direction blown miles and miles in another direction basket eases twirling around he thinks his numbers up and then the store Bates and he's OK but is hopelessly lost no idea where WADS so he sees a man walking down the road leans over the basket hello down there hello out there can you tell me where.

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