Re: Braillemon status update!

Thanks for the error logs. Some of them appear cosmetic, but most seem to be serious issues. I haven't personally experienced issues with the boxes, so I think I might have pushed that to the next update. Still working hard on stuff, but I will address these issues first. P.S. Most of cerulean city is done; I want to implement the route with Bill on it and *maybe* the whole "stealing the Dig TM team rocket" scene.

In the last week I left my house due to my family crossing the line and being pretty abusive, I had to pretty much get out, couldn't deal with it with the 1000 other things I'm dealing with right now. I've settled down and will be working on addressing these issues this week, hopefully they will be done and I can resume completing Cerulean and surrounding areas.

I should have a release in 2 weeks if all things go to plan but we'll see...

The game should work in XP if it's native. We haven't tested it on VMs. I recommend making sure all updates are set as well as returning the specific errors you get (if any) since those help a lot. I might be able to port to mac if I can find an extention that can hook up between a tts on that platform but I know next to nothing about Macs.

Oh, and STAB and IVs and all that fun stuff is actually implemented into the game.

P.S. The blog is located at

P.S.S I think the issue regarding the battle with level 8 pokemon/rival may be an issue with the AI. Usually that stuff happens if there is an infinite loop somewhere. I'll look into it. EDIT: Maybe not... lol the rival has the lowest AI rank which just chooses a move at random...


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