Re: I need to talk.

Hmmm, firstly post4 I like your signature.
I never have had that experience.
Then again I never got hostald.
Blind school in my day was interesting, you did your classes then went home.
I was always at mainstream schools.
The first one sucked as no one knew where to put me.
My second one had a unit for the blind but it wasn't that remarkable.
The next one after that was just normal, and the last one I had a lot of issues getting in the right classes because they wanted to put me with all the really disabled people so I could do what disabled people do.
I got better treatment when I went to university, under scholarship though I never ever did much more than classes and lunch with a few friends.
The closest I got was a lifeschills course but that had its own issue.
The program I was in was in transition to a new organisation so none of the programs worked.
Technically your schedual was up at 7, breakfast at 7.30, meeting at 8, every day bar friday and monday which had gym and swimming, you were supposed to have work, cooking classes, university courses, etc.
You had various chores to do and to keep up the place.
On fridays you had activities you did where you went out, you couldn't use cellphones at all though during class time.
Thats all well and good but as I said everyone was in transition.
It was all supposed to be peer preasure and student support and friendship but the group I got was disjointed.
There was a depressed person with a boul issue that constantly was in a bad mood.
There was another person that just not sure what they were but we avoided them.
There was an epeleptic which was also avoided.
There was an islander who sadly is the stereotipical islander.
He smoked, didn't care about authority at all  and he slept all day and no one could make him actually work.
He even broke rules some times and while he got suspended for a time people were reluctant to get rid of him.
There were 3 others.
A keyboard guy that came late in the program and who I never did much with.
There were 2 others, one guy that seemed to be ok and another on her second year, a maori that was the get up and go and be tough sort.
She lasted 6 months then got a life outside the program.
At first it was sort of normal, but then our manager went to a training course and we got another guy I do know still.
Things sort of went ok but we didn't have fun as such.
I spent most of my day online, eating chips and kfc all day because no one would cook.
The university stuff was an afterthought and I spent 6  months while I was there working on some math course I had no interest in.
No one checked my homework and such, and because they knew I was from the program they passed me because I was blind.
I had no choice but as far as I care I may have just sat in a chair being helpless and dumb.
I complied with the program but it meant nothing.
If it wasn't for the computer guy at the place I may have gone crazy.
He and I were friends.

He knew when I was online because I used all net bandwidth when I was streaming radio.
He had an attitude that if you screwed up, you were out but otherwise you were free to do whatever which I as happy for.
For me the course was a waste.
Chores included vacuuming which I don't do because I have people to do that.
Cleaning the toilet with gloves, jiff and physical labour which is old school and no one does and well thats about it.
I know a lot of blind people had fun, but I didn't.
I know how to eat 40 dollars of kfc in 30 minutes.
I can eat a large packet of chips in 10 minutes.
and I can eat a big package of biscuits in 30 seconds or at least I could.
I can probably vacuum but I doubt I could do to much more to save my ass.
Its taken me the last 20 or so years to get back in shape and I aparently still don't eat right or something but oh well.
Oh and I learned to make reports on how the week went and to lie about them so they would pass but no one really cared.
From what I learned before I lost contact with people in the place I had it, it is now worse, do as you are told or else.
Its some sort of institution now, no one talks about it so it mustn't be good.
Then again maybe I wasn't in the right year.
A couple years after I quit, one of my friends I know from australia came there.
He was and is a computer musician and writes computer generated music.
Some in code  in zel and ml and some on a keyboard.
He aparently according to the guy I had contact with at the time did a 2 hour presentation on how he wrote music.
Having listened to him on one of the blind radiostations online he is quite good.
Maybe I just had a bad year, but its a year I wish I didn't have in some ways though I got a scholarship and a couple other awards for being myself probably because I was the only sain person in the entire place.

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