Re: help finding people to discuss something with

@cantorlot: Yup. Unfortunately, none of them tie together well, because they're 3 sets of 3, all at the start of the fic:
-- 3 Elements of Harmony chapters, taking us from ponyville into xanth, where the six ponies try and figure out what's going on, and eventually head off to the good magician's castle
-- 3 Princess Luna and Lyra chapters, wherein Luna discovers how to open a dream portal between universes, and her and Lyra go through it for no explainable reason, and Lyra gets distracted by humanity and nothing interesting happens.
-- 3 Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody chapters that take place entirely in Ponyville, wherein Vinyl isn't as funny as she thinks she is, Octavia is horrified, and oh my God we are never ever getting to the plot so the author just transports the two ponies to xanth when Vinyl's most powerful amplifier explodes for no clearly explained reason. Plus one bonus opening chapter involving Derpy Hooves that just winds u p turning into a long drawn out set of the worst classical music puns that anyone has ever written in the history of ever.

I got nothing written today, because the waterbed mattress sprung a leak and that took up a bunch of life, plus I got distracted and had to watch all of this girl's videos:
and now I am unfit to write in English at all.

So, yeah. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing there that I can stitch into a coherent, publishable, complete fic.  I think there is something wrong with me as a writer.  I can type really, really fast, and my degree in journalism means that I'm accurate enough I don't need to do much proofreading for spelling or grammar, so I can really pump out vast quantities of writing on a whim, because I'm used to having to crank out 500 words within fifteen minutes or so.  But what I am absolut ely incapable of doing, in anything I ever try to write, is getting my characters to do what I want and follow my carefully crafted plot outline.  This probably has something to do with the fact that I crank out character free outlines, and then go and try and find characters I can railroad into them.  I'd love to change how I think up fiction; unfortunately that's just how the ideas come to me.  At this point I'm thinking I should just throw up my hands and go and write out that stupid dragnet dream I had a while ago as a ten or fifteen thousand word novella, call it a crackfic, and horrify everyone everywhere.  At least then I could say I actually completed something.


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