creepy chat bots

Before reading further, please don't get me wrong. I am not using eviebot it just showed up in my youtube app from some creepy/scary stuff youtuber. I say this cause adleast in my tests eviebot tended to say agressive/p0rnografic stuff pritty fast.

So i kind of like creepy stuff like creepypastas. And i am sometimes looking arround and today i found something really scary. It's called eviebot and seams to be kind of a sybling of cleverbot, it is located here.

The first thing that came to my atention is thta the thing is claming to be a human which is kind of scary at the first place. To clarify, i really don't think so due to the fact that the answers take always arround 3 seconds even if i give the thing complicated math tasks. The bot seamed to think that i was cleverbot, and got offensive when i told her i am not. After all the intelegency level is kind of creepy at some point. When you read the post it may sound dumm but try it out your self.

Does anyone of you know other creepy chat bots? Would be funny to mess with those. And btw, if you are like me and don't want to keep scrolling back and forth and back and forth while trying the thing just click the say it button and it will use it's own voice.

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