Re: BGT Important Update

Xoren wrote:

Greetings Philip.

My sincerest condolences to a project that has failed to make the returns expected. It comes down to the blind community being, in general, entitlist consumers, seeking any way to get things free, rather than buying them. This reminds me of a moment when I'd mentioned to some blind gamers that I had recently just purchased a new sound effects library for about 70 dollars. Their first comment was: Torrent it so we can get it. Worse yet was their daring to be indignant that I should elect not to offer them that freebie at my own expense, never mind the licensing breach.

I actually purchased the $30 license for BGT, even though I knew I didn't have the aptitude for coding. I did so because I wanted to support the venture, even if $30 isn't very much in the general scheme of things. I imagine, however, most people are just using the free version without compilation options, thus dep riving you of a profitable market.

I disagree with the other users in their praising you for making the "right choice". I understand the choice you made, it being the most magnanimous option, but am still regretful that you have had to do so. It's always frustrating to your efforts come to no fruition, worse so if your decision to make it free is out of generosity rather than pragmatism. I myself, I would have left it as abandonware, with special consideration for those who've already purchased usage licenses.

Out of curiosity, what kind of ballpark did you reach in registered licenses, both in commercially viable brackets and in the $30 free-game only bracket?

Will we be seeing future efforts from you in the gaming sphere, or are you continuing on to more fruitful avenues?


I'm not looking to start an argument, but I doubt the ratio of "entitlist consumers" to honest consumers is any differ ent among gamers who are blind, or crippled, or deaf or completely able-bodied. It simply comes down to one's moral compass, financial means and age to some extent.
I had sighted friends who torrented and cracked anything and everything they possibly could.
I also had others who criticized me for doing the same thing when I was fifteen and hadn't a penny to my name.
Now I'm much older and recognize the moral importance of supporting the little guy who's just trying to put food on the table (but I still have no problem pirating from gigantic corperations who charge incomprehendible rates for buggy software).
I too own a license for BGT (pro single) and am sad to see the project not go so well from a financial standpoint for Philip.
People who want too much are a big part of what's wrong with the world, everywhere from a kid in a basement torrenting a game, to a president of a company who makes billions of dollars while the underling c an hardly afford to eat, to governments that let their people be homeless and die of starvation while they live it up.
It has nothing to do with being blind, a gamer, or both.


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