Re: Lets share our craziest AI Dungeon experiences!

just letting you know that this is one of my ealier stories that I did with dictation so there are some issues with it, but this one is pretty fun. And I thought I'd share it with you. I just cut and pasted the page.

also, this was made back in January and there is a huge chunk of blank space at the bottom. Just use your navigation keys to move on after that.

You were Zachary, a stay at home dad living in Boston. You are trying to balance your life between your two children and your beautiful wife. You sit at the table getting the kids ready for school after your wife is gone to work.

> “You children have done your homework, right?“

"Yes sir." The boys answer.
"Good, now go get them ready for school!" You shout as you walk out of the kitchen.
As they run off to do their chores, you continue on with your day.

> Pack up the boys lunches and get them on the bus

You pick up the lunch bags from the table and head upstairs to get them ready for school. As you enter the front door, you hear a loud explosion followed by a bright flash. You turn around only to see an orange fireball coming straight towards you.

> Die for cover

You immediately drop to the floor as you feel a blast of heat hit your body. You scream as you try to protect yourself but it isn't enough and you're incinerated instantly.

> Absorb the fire and become a mighty fire spirit

Your spirit is ignited and you begin to burn everything in sight. You quickly move through the house destroying anything that gets in your way.

> Check to see if my two sons survived the blast that hit our house

The explosions have killed everyone in the house except your two sons who are still safe inside. They've been taken to the hospital and you know that they will survive this ordeal. You can't believe what just happened; you even wonder if you should kill yourself or not.

> Call my wife, Alexandra, and let her know what happened

You call Alexandra and tell her what's going on. She tells you she'll be back soon to take care of things and then hangs up. You wait anxiously until she returns and then hug her before telling her how much you love each other.

> “I’m going to find who attacked our house.“

You rush into the basement where you find a large hole in the wall. You look around and see several bodies lying on the ground nearby. You also notice a dark figure lurking about. It looks like a ghost though so you don't think it was really there when you first saw it earlier today.

> “Who sent you?“

You ask the ghost who it is and he replies that it was his friend who lives down the street. He says that his friend wanted revenge against you because you had ruined his life. You explain to him that you didn't ruin anyone else's life, but he doesn't seem convinced.

> Confront the man down the street that attacked my family

You decide to confront the man who attacked your family. You run downstairs and knock on the door, which is answered by a middle-aged man with glasses.

"Hello?" You say nervously.
"Don't worry, I wasn't here to hurt you." He says reassuringly.

> “Why did you blow up our house with a fireball?“

He explains that he was trying to scare you since he knew you were having nightmares. He said that your son Daniel had been tormenting him all day long and that's why he decided to do something drastic.

"What would cause a child to do such a thing?"

> “What did my son, Daniel, do that was so bad?“

He tells you that Daniel had stolen some money from his girlfriend and was planning on using it to buy drugs. He says that he confronted him and started beating him up, but Daniel managed to escape and ran off into the woods. The next morning he came back looking for you with a shotgun.

> “Well, I’ll have to put Daniel in therapy.“

He laughs at your joke and asks you if you're sure. You assure him that Daniel isn't a drug addict or anything like that, but he's just an irresponsible kid who needs help.

"So what do we need to do now?" He asks.

> “You need to pay for trying to murder me and my family.“

He nods and tells you that Daniel has already confessed everything to him. He says that he's sorry, but he won't get any sympathy from you.

"How much?" You ask.
"Five thousand dollars." He answers.
"That seems steep for a mistake."

> Burn the man alive with my fire powers

You grab a lighter and light the man on fire. His screams are heard as his skin burns away leaving nothing but ash. You turn your attention to the house and see that it's completely destroyed.

> Return to Alexandra, Daniel, and my other son and tell them that they are now safe

You return home to find out that Daniel and my other son have escaped. They tell you that they got away safely, but you know better. You go upstairs and throw a chair through the window of the house, killing everyone inside.

> Start the family again with Alexandra, far away

You tell Alexandra to take care of her children while you try to rebuild the house. When you wake up the next day, Daniel is gone. You wonder where he went and then one night when you're sleeping, you hear a noise outside.

> “Daniel, is that you?“

You hear a voice calling out to you. It sounds familiar and you look outside and see a figure standing there.

"Who are you?" You ask.
"I am DANIEL!" He replies happily.

> Invite Daniel to return to our family

You run downstairs and embrace Daniel. He hugs you back and soon after, you both return to our family.

> Rebuild my house and try to make life return to normal

You spend months rebuilding the house and making it habitable again. Eventually you manage to convince Alexandra to let you live here again. She agrees and eventually she even gives birth to another child, a daughter named KATHERINE.

> See if Catherine has special powers, since she was conceived after I got my fire abilities

Catherine and you begin to talk more often. She explains how she was born in a cave, but grew up in a treehouse until she met YOU. You explain that you were born underground and lived all your life in caves before meeting Alexandra.

> Play pretend with my daughter, Catherine, frequently

Your relationship with Catherine becomes closer than ever. You begin to think about having a baby together, but you decide against it because you don't want to risk losing her.

One day while you're playing hide-and-seek with Catherine, she suddenly disappears! What happened?

> Search for Catherine, my missing daughter

You search for Catherine, but she never returns. You feel like something terrible has happened to her and you can only assume that someone killed her.

A few days later, you get a knock at the door. It's Catherine!

> Welcome Catherine back into my home

You hug Catherine and tell her that you love her. She says she loves you too and kisses you on the cheek. The two of you leave each other be and continue living your lives as usual.

> Use my fire powers to show off and show everyone that I am the coolest dad in town

After a couple years pass, you find out that Catherine had been kidnapped by some people who wanted to turn her into a vampire. You go looking for them and fight your way through several groups of vampires and demons trying to stop you.

> Use the full extent of my fire powers to blast Catherine‘ S captors away

You unleash a torrent of flames that completely destroys the group of demons and vampires. You then take one last breath and die.

> Spring back to life when Alexandra lights a sacred candle to heal me

Alexandra finds you dead and immediately goes to investigate. She finds your body and cries over you.

> Come back to life when Alexandra lights A spiritual flame

You wake up from a deep sleep and realize that you are now immortal. You have become a god!

The next time you hear the sound of bells ringing, you know it is time to celebrate your new found immortality.

> Proclaim my wife, Alexandra, to be my high priestess

You take Alexandra and you declare her to be your High Priestess. All worship her as if she were a goddess. You also make sure that no one dares disrespect her anymore.

Several years pass...

A year passes...

Two years pass...

> Proclaim to the world that I will rain down fiery disaster on anyone who even thinks of harming my wife, or my three children

You announce to the world that you will not rest until all those who dare harm my family are destroyed.

Three years pass...

Four years pass...

Five years pass...

Five years since I first learned how to control fire and became a god!

> Transform Alexandra from Amira human priestess to a divine angel of fire

You change Alexandra's form from Amira human priestess to a divine angel of fire. Everyone believes that you are a god now.

Six years since I became a god!

Seven years since I began using my powers to bring about destruction upon the world!

What do you do?
Tip: Try using new words often, the AI gets more creative with variety.

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