Some newly discovered browser-based MMORPGS

During my quest to find more games to play, I found half a dozen  browser-based games that haven't been mentioned in this forum as far as I can tell. Although they share some similar features among them, they are still rather addicting, evidanced by the fact that they also share almost the same community.
I'm not going to describe each game in detail, but I'm going to give a rundown of the shared features among them.

battling or trading, known as tsing by the communities, ts standing for tradeskills: In all of those games, you can choose either battling or a trading skill as your specialization. You can also do everything of course, however this hinders you from moving up the ladder as quickly as desirable. Trading refers to gathering and crafting skills. Crafting is also a thing by the way. Some of them, like avabur, offer a pretty complex crafting system, whereas some of them only use resources for buildings. The good news is, even if there isn't a crafting system, you still get to customize your gear's stats, or at least upgrade their level, something for which you need gold and/or resources. All of those resource requirements lead to a pretty active market, another interesting feature of the games. Cross trading between the games is also possible and it's done very often, but it should be done with caution since the admins and mods are not responsible if one gets cheatted while cross-trading.

autos: All of them have a mechanic which is similar to an idle clicker game, where you click on a button and let the game run by itself. Although you might need to move up to stronger mobs to kill or better gathering sights from time to time, you can have the games running while doing other things with no big problem. On a couple of those games, occasionally  you need to verify that you are not a robot by pressing a button or checkbox. Also, the amount of autos or actions you can do is limitted, but you can boost them easily by joining a clan/guild and other methods. By the way the limitation is not a set amount per day or anything, you just need to refill your action bar with a button or something similar. A few of them don't even need the game window to be running, once you get it going it's entirely server-side.

Houses: Nearly all of the games let you build your house from scratch. Each item and/or room you build gives a small bonus to an aspect of the game. At first the bonuses aren't big, but as you level up your house and the existing items in it and add new items, the bonuses get quite powerful. For example, leveling up your library on pendoria gives 1% extra experience per level.

clans/guilds: All of them have clans or guilds. Apart from having a community to chat with and recieve all kinds of help from, they also give huge boosts depending on the specialization of the clan or guild. Some of them require  a small donation of gold or resources depending on your style of play, but newbies are not required to donate until they fill comfortable enough to do so. At the beginning, you might not be able to get into high level clans, but as you level up, you get the opportunity to join  the best ones easily. Oh and clans/guilds are like houses, where you need to build and level up clan buildings to recieve boosts, and that's why the small donations are required from the members.

Dungeons ore bosses: In all of those games, there is some form of dungeon or bossfight where you can gain special loot or boosted normal loot. They can be done solo, or they can be done with the help of other players, like guild and area bosses on lyrania.

Last but far from least, besides the normal game currency, there is also another currency known as credits, crystals or tokens depending on the game, that can be bought with real money and spent on very powerful boosts. The mentioned currencies are pretty easy to gain in game in many ways as well, so spending real money is not necessary at all. In fact a lot of high players seem to have the peasant title, indicating that they have never spent a penny on those games.

there are also some other features that I have either forgotten to mention or they are specific to one game, etc.

The layouts of some of those games may need some getting used to, but they can easily be figured out with time. It also seems that the layout and accessibility on some of them slightly gets better if the game window is maximized.

WARNING: on some games, especially pendoria and avabur, refilling your actions while using NVDA and chrome sends a false alarm to the game and you maybe mistaken for a bot. I was approached by an admin on avabur, and got banned outright on pendoria. After sending an appeal to pendoria's staff, I was able to convince them that I wasn't botting. Note that I'm using NVDA+chrome, not sure how it is with other combinations of screen readers and browsers. If this happened to anyone just let them know that you're using a screenreader and maybe remind them of neodin's problem, just don't bot for real LOL.

And now for the links, all of which are the referral links of Neodin, yours truely smile




Gates of survival: I think this one has been mentioned here in the past, I'm not sure though.


Queslar(still in beta, data will be wiped on release, maybe in summer):

heroes RPG:

The phoenix tales:

Idle quest:

Dragon swords: This has an occasional captcha that can't be solved without some sort of addon, since you have to type some text on a picture or something. I told the admins about it, they said that they can remove the captcha for me when it comes up and they are going to think of a long term solution in the meantime. However it's been 2 weeks and I never heard from them and no long term solution, I was also told that the admins have been ignoring other problems of that kind as well, so I stopped playing this one.

As mentioned above, my character in all of them is neodin, feel free to get in touch if needed, although I'm still a newbie myself smile

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