Re: Sable Alpha is here!–free to download for Public alpha testing!

I have a few observations.

I am liking what I've seen so far, but it seems like Sable adheres too strictly to fantasy RPG ideals, when theoretically you can create anything with this engine.

My first issues arose when reading through the tutorial.  I'm not sure if this is the case for everyone, but when I think of a grid, it's *always* formatted, other than in the case of Excell, with the first square being at 1, 1, on the bottom left-hand side of the map.  Sable, on the other hand, uses the top left-hand side as 1,1, meaning that in order to design anything I have to try and rotate the designs around in my head to make them work, which is extremely time-consuming.

Secondly comes the question of creating armour or elements with status effects.  I tried to create an item and, though I wanted to add a status effect, I couldn't since I hadn't created any.  However, instead of giving me the option to create a status effect then and there, I have to leave the item unfinished, create the status effect, then come back and try and implement it in.

Thirdly, as others have done, if I wanted to create a gun, I have to think outside the box to even begin figuring out how to create a ranged weapon, even though the sound set for a bow exists.  If you had the option of choosing whether a weapon was ranged or melee at first this would eliminate some of the frustration.

The final point I discovered was that in trying to edit even triggers, I realised you couldn't edit what rewards they dispensed.  This means that if I, say, leave to create a reward I wanted to give to a character on the event triggering, I can't then re-add said reward as part of that event trigger.

Of course I might be missing something and yes, I'm aware this is in an alpha state, but it's definitely less straight-forward than I might've expected from the tutorial.
I really like where this is going though and I'll keep looking at it as the three weeks draws to an end.  Keep up the great work team and I can't wait to see the final version in all its polished glory.

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