forsage, an ethereum smart contract

What is forsage?
On February 6, 2020, Forsage became the world's first-ever MLM / Network Marketing program to utilize a self-executing smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Smart contracts are totally decentralized and are managed by a huge network of multiple members computers. As such, there is no central authority governing the operation of this program.
Ethereum Blockchain Smart contracts cannot be modified, due to the Security and features that are built into the Blockchain.
How does forsage work?
Forsage matrix marketing can be thought of as similar to Network marketing, with a limited number of places and an unlimited number of reinvests.
In the matrix, the referral link is fixed to the person who invited you. You always follow your refferer, to each of the slots that he or she has activated.

There are two sub programs within Forsage:-
Forsage x 3 and Forsage x4
Forsage x3 has three places below you in one row.
Forsage x4 has two rows below you, with 2 places in the first row and 4 places in the second row.

When you join / register with FORSAGE, you open up both of these programs simultaneously.
There are no expiration dates for any places / slots to be occupied.
There are unlimited automatic reinvests available.
  What is a smart contract?
A Smart Contract is an agreement between two people / parties in the form of computer code. This agreement can be for anything laid down at the beginning, such as buying and selling a house, or a piece of land, or a website domain name, or many, many other things, some yet to be thought of. These contracts run on the blockchain, so they are stored on a public database and cannot be changed. The transactions that happen in a smart contract are processed by the blockchain, which means they can be sent automatically without a third party, (ie without the interuption of a fallible human being).
Smart Contracts use the simple principle of, "if you do this, then I will do that".
Simply put, smart contracts work a lot like vending machines. For example, if you drop 2 dollars into the slot of a drinks machine, then make your selection, you will get a can of soda delivered to your hands. In the Digital world, if you just drop a required amount of a cryptocurrency into the smart contract, then your house, or whatever else drops into your account or ownership. All the rules and penalties are not only pre-defined by smart contracts, but are also enforced by them.
What does all this mean for the participants in Forsage?
Well instead of a house or other purchase, we are looking at an unchangeable structure for the Forsage Matrix platform and it's payment plan. This means guaranteed payments into our Cryptocurrency wallets, in return for our actions as laid out within the terms of the Smart Contract.
The Forsage developers deployed this self-executing smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain, that exists in perpetuity and cannot be modified by any entity. This gives indefinite access to the Forsage program and enables all its members continued participation in the matrix structure and uninterrupted commission payments between the program participants.
What is the cost of getting started with forsage?
A Smart Contract is an agreement between two people / parties in the form of computer code. This agreement can be for anything laid down at the beginning, such as buying and selling a house, or a piece of land, or a website domain name, or many, many other things, some yet to be thought of. These contracts run on the blockchain, so they are stored on a public database and cannot be changed. The transactions that happen in a smart contract are processed by the blockchain, which means they can be sent automatically without a third party, (ie without the interuption of a fallible human being).
Smart Contracts use the simple principle of, "if you do this, then I will do that".
Simply put, smart contracts work a lot like vending machines. For example, if you drop 2 dollars into the slot of a drinks machine, then make your selection, you will get a can of soda delivered to your hands. In the Digital world, if you just drop a required amount of a cryptocurrency into the smart contract, then your house, or whatever else drops into your account or ownership. All the rules and penalties are not only pre-defined by smart contracts, but are also enforced by them.
What does all this mean for the participants in Forsage?
Well instead of a house or other purchase, we are looking at an unchangeable structure for the Forsage Matrix platform and it's payment plan. This means guaranteed payments into our Cryptocurrency wallets, in return for our actions as laid out within the terms of the Smart Contract.
The Forsage developers deployed this self-executing smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain, that exists in perpetuity and cannot be modified by any entity. This gives indefinite access to the Forsage program and enables all its members continued participation in the matrix structure and uninterrupted commission payments between the program participants.
Are there any fees to pay with forsage?
This is one of the many things that really appealed to me.
There are no joining or admin fees to pay when you join Forsage. What you pay when you join, entirely funds the payments within the program, as laid out. Nor are there any deductions after you have earned. You get to keep all that you earn.
Please note however, that there will always be Cryptocurrency exchange fees associated with your wallet transactions. These are nothing to do with the actual Forsage program. They are payable with any Crypto transactions and are a bit like Bank fees. They are however usually much lower than Bank fees. Don't let these small fees trouble you or slow down your activity. You will often see these fees referred to as "Gas" fees, especially with Ethereum based transactions.How do I make withdrawals?
A good question!
We have to think differently with Forsage - it is unlike anything else that many MLM or Network marketers have ever seen before. The following may suprise you:
You do not have to request withdrawals....
You do not have to wait for any program owner or "manager" to decide if and when you can have your requested withdrawal.
You do not have to wait to receive your money, period.
Anything that you earn is instantly paid into your Ethereum walllet. Its like an automated payment into your bank account.
This is why you need to use either the Metamask or the Trust wallets. Both of these wallets are coded to work seamlessly with the Forsage programs and will instantly receive anything that you earn with Forsage.
Metamask is used when you use a desktop or Laptop Computer to carry out your Forsage activities.
Trust wallet is for when you use a Tablet or a Mobile phone for your activities.

Are there any monthly payments or purchases?
No! - There are no monthly products or any requirements to buy anything and there are no monthly retention fees with Forsage.
Remember, you only ever need to pay one time out of pocket, which is currently around 15 USD to get started. Any future upgrades to higher levels, but only if you want to, as you progress through this program will come from your earnings. This very low cost business start up cost, with no ongoing fees, is the reason why well over a thousand people a day are joining Forsage.
Do I have to build a team?
No, you do not have to be a team builder in Forsage - Some people who join Forsage do not want to be recruiters. Persuading others to join your business is not for everyone.
But, with Forsage, it is possible to join at the minimum level and earn Ethereum over a period of time by something known as spillover. This means that your sponsor, or the person that introduced you to this business is him or herself busy at building this as a business. In doing this, they will introduce many people into their business, some of whom will fall into your matrix position(s). This means that you could benefit from their efforts. It can and does happen with Forsage. But, there are no guarantees.
However, everyone knows at least one other person, a colleague, friend or family member that will be interested to try this out for just 15 USD!!!
What are the steps needed to get started with forsage?
In a very quick nutshell, to start with Forsage:
• Install a Trust wallet for Mobile or Metamask wallet for Laptop
• Fund the wallet with Ethereum
• Join Forsage
• Make your payment for your starter levels
• Get your own link and share with others
• Make money!
What countries is forsage available in?
Forsage is a Decentralized Blockchain Smart Contract and without any physical boundaries.
It is available in the USA, India, Brazil, UK, Ireland, Japan, China, Germany, France, Spain, Australia - It is much easier to say that Forsage is available anywhere in the World where there is Internet access to enable you to administer your activities.
According to my Google statistics, South Africa is the number one Country in the World that searches the most for the Forsage Smart Contract opportunity, with most of the users searching with their Smart phones.
Can I see the smart contract?
The Forsage Smart Contract is totally transparent, like all activities that exist on the Ethereum Blockchain, so you can check it out for yourself.
The data is in the public domain and the Smart Contract address is here:

If you read untill here it means you must be interested. I joined about 2 days ago and I have 2 ethereum already. The program is accessible with nvda but it takes some patience to get used to it. I recommend that you use a metamask wallet, which is completely accessible. And, last but not least, I suggest you to use my referal link since I registered through someone who has many referals, a good friend, and even if you can not get people to join you will get some spill over from time to time. This means that you can make some cash even if you don't build a team. Please join through my link and let's make some cash!***/
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me, I will be happy to answer.

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