Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Look up Christian Cooper. He wasn't killed, and the police actually sided with him, but he had the cops called on him because he dared to tell a white woman in Central Park that her dog needed to be leashed. That's racism, just not cop-started racism.
I trust I don't have to talk to you about George Floyd.

You should really do some research about what racism is, and how a lot of times, people who engage in it get away with it. Not all the time, not by any stretch, but it does happen.

Tell me something. Let's say you were walking down the street, minding your beeswax, and an officer told you to stop, asked you who you were and what you were doing, was rude with you when you asked what the matter was. Would this make you feel kind of annoyed, maybe even a little shitty or guilty because you're taught that the police only investigate when there's something wrong? I guarantee you that people of colour in Canada and perhaps more so in the United States deal with this worry every. single. day. I've heard literally dozens of them of my acquaintance say that it's not a matter of -IF they will be stopped by a cop, but -WHEN.
I'm white. You know how many times I've been stopped by a cop? not. Fucking. Once. Gee, I wonder why that is.

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