Re: Useful things to read before I get started with komplete kontrol

Oh blah!  For the love of all it seriously can be done!  Windows 10 isn't that much of a pile of crap.  I'm not going to write out a complete komplete tutorial on this post but I'll help you get started.
1.  Once you receive a key that gives you access to all of your native software, go ahead and download native access.  You will need this to install all of your software-side stuff, instruments, loops, yada yada yada...  Install once downloaded, then launch.
2.  Once launched you should be prompted to sign in with the email address you provided and used to register your software products and such.  I do not immediately recall how that is laid out and if you can just tab to and through it or not, but the worst case scenario is that you'll have to use NVDA-object nav and some OCR to navigate through or some variant of it depending on your screen reader of choice.
3.  Once signed in, the window will change and, yet again you may need to use a bit of object nav to access parts of it.  All of the tabs are organized under a section called navigation items.  IN there you'll seee things like, add a serial, not installed, available updates, and finally, install.  I do not recall having to enter in my serial number when I first signed in but simply went to the not installed button and activated it.  I was then able to see a list of all the products that weren't installed and the button required to install them.  I don't remember how long it took to grab and install all of select which is what I got owing to my limited funds, but I know it was no less than an hour, so you're best leaving this for a moment in time when you know you won't be needing the machine in question, such as when you go to sleep?  I dunno.  I sat around and did a lot of thumb twiddling.  NA is pretty good about selecting defaults for your instruments and such, so I'd leave the paths alone unless you have a seriously good reason to go about messing with them, such as another SSD you need to install to, which honestly isn't a bad idea, or another larger drive you would rather the products be temporarily downloaded to before install.  For the sake of this small, thing, we'll just say C:\Program Files\Native Instruments and be done with it.
4.  If you're following the instructions under this section it is assumed everything from 1 to 3 has completed successfully.  i suggest browsing C:\Program Files\Native Instruments or whatever other directory you may have chosen if you decided to opt out of the smartness of Native access before proceeding.
5.  Make sure your A-49 is connected to your PC via the cord provided.
6.  Launch Komplete kontrol; it should be on your desktop.  Give it some time as it has to figure out what you've installed, where it is and how to use it.  It does not hurt to hit NVDA plus R to use windows 10 OCR here and check things out from time to time.  This process can yet again, take you a fair amount of time depending on your purchases.
7. when hitting NVDA+R it is worth checking to see if you are receiving any messages to update the firmware to your KK hardware.  Don't see a button, you say?  All you're seeing is words that seem like words of acknowledgement and consent but no real way to click them?  No problem, hit enter on said words and NVDA should act as it always does when confronted by visible buttons and the like.  The idea here is that any OK or yes or such button may not appear as a button but simply a word.
8.  the final thing that will happen is that you may receive a tutorial that you cannot really gain much from owing to how inaccessible it generally is.  Do whatever you must to dismiss it and get on with your life.  Again, a bit of OCR may be necessary.
9.  Close the KK software.  You'll not be using it for much else as it is generally best to use everything you now have at your fingertips inside a DAW.
10.  Configure reaper as necessary.  this means you must figure out precisely what you need as far as mixer/audio-interface and sound system is concerned.  As I don't know precisely what you have I can't really help you here, but it would suffice to say that you need a buffer size that will give you as little latency as possible.  If you can, do yourself a favor right off the bat and see if your soundcard/interface/whatever you're using to manage audio has an ASIO driver.  Again, as I know not what you have this part is one I can't really help you with.
The rest to follow, but I'd like to get you through all of this first, and since, as I understand it, you don't have your keyboard yet I'd feel rather foolish backtracking and trying to answer questions you don't already have and or haven't already posed.  Sadly, the only other suggestion I can give you at present is that since you're going to use KK with reaper, you should read the reaper accessibility page  There is a ton there that may seem slightly hidden and may require you to put it all together to get the results you want and or need.  Otherwise, please feel free to come back here, pose your questions and or contact me as you see fit.

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