Re: Aurora 4X, Back to More Accessible Stars

How wonderful that someone actually posed the question - I was going to create a quick tutorial on this regardless.
Aurora Tutorials part 2.5 is here, in which I explain how and why you should set up naval commands, as well as showing you how to assign officers to them. … 5.mp3?dl=1
For more information, refer to one of the comments in this post: … et_orders/
I have copied all of the information over for the sake of convenience

That one I can explain. Part 1/2 (Yes, this is long.)
(Steve posts I'm drawing from: Naval Organization, Command & Control Rules, Admin Commands.)
Commander Slots
There's four ways for a commander can provide a bonus. From lowest rank to highest, they can be a ship's officer, a ship commander, a fleet commander, or an admin commander.

A ship's officer provides one skill at 100% effectiveness, depending on which position they hold. This always requires the appropriate command module (e.g., you can't have an Executive Officer on a ship unless the ship has an Auxiliary Control module).

A ship's commander provides all of their skills at 50% effectiveness. Every ship can have a commander.

A fleet commander provides 100% of their Reaction skill to the whole fleet. This requires a Flag Bridge module on at least one ship in the fleet. (If there is no Flag Bridge, there is no separate Fleet Commander slot. The senior ship commander in the fleet will be shown as fleet commander, but they will not provide a Reaction bonus to ships other than their own).

An admin command provides a different bonus depending what command type it is, and it provides that bonus to every fleet subordinate to it (directly or indirectly).
Admin Commands
A ship can benefit from any number of admin commands, in principle. However, each admin command requires a higher-ranked officer than the commands under it, so you'll run out of officer ranks at some point.
Unlike the other commander slots, admin commands require no ship modules. They're based on the Naval Headquarters buildings on your planets, instead. Any planet with NHQ buildings has a radius - the first NHQ gives you radius 1, then each time you double the number of NHQs, the radius increases by 1. So a planet with 2 NHQs can command two jumps out, 4 NHQs can command three jumps out, 8 NHQs can command four jumps out, and so on. Patrol and Survey commands double this radius, so a Patrol command based at a planet with 4 NHQ buildings will have a radius of 6, not 3.
Training commands are a special type of command - ships in a Training command will gain skill much more rapidly, but they will also use much more fuel and supply that they otherwise would.
You start the game with a top-level admin command, of type General, based on your homeworld. Unlike other admin commands, it cannot be deleted, but the type and host planet can be changed.
An Example
Consider the Survey skill, as an example, and how it applies to a basic survey ship with one basic survey sensor(strength=1) and a science department, surveying Alpha Centauri I.

Because the ship has a Science Department module, it can appoint a Science Officer. The Science Officer provides 100% of their bonus. Let's say Lieutenant Commander Reggie Redshirt has 25% Survey skill and gets this slot.

Every ship's commander gets to provide 50% of their bonus to everything (or 100% if no module exists). Because the Science module exists, it's 50% in this case. The commander is Commander Keen, and he has a 20% bonus. 20%*50% = 10%, so this gives a 10% bonus to the ship's Survey ability.

The ship is in a fleet of its own, so there's no fleet commander slot. Even if there was, it would provide no Survey bonus.

The first admin command over the ship is Alpha Centauri Survey Command(of type Survey, naturally), run by Captain Londo Mollari. Because it's a Survey command, it's 25%. Londo also has a 20% bonus, and 20%*25% = 5%, so this admin command provides a 5% bonus to the Survey skill of all ships in the admin.

The next admin command over that is Universal Survey Command(also of type Survey), run by the unfortunately named Commodore Sixty Four. She's a really good survey commander, with a 40% bonus, and again Survey commands give 25%. So 40%*25% = 10%, and she gives a 10% bonus to all ships in her admin.

Above Universal Survey Command is Exploration Command(of type Patrol), commanded by Rear Admiral William Adama. Because this is of type Patrol, it provides no survey bonus, so Adama's 5% survey bonus provides no bonus here. (His high Engineering skill does help them stay on station a bit longer, though)

Above that is Non-Combat Forces Command(of type Industrial). Like Adama, Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker cannot apply her Survey skill here, and her 10% is of no use. It does help keep our ships organized in a nice clean fashion, though, which is nice.

Finally, the top-level command for the whole navy is Terran High Command(type General), run by Admiral Miles Naismith. He also has a 10% Survey bonus, but because it's a General command, it's of some use and gives 10%. 10%*10% = 1%, so he provides a final 1% boost to the ship's Survey skill.
The result of this is that the ship gets 25% from Redshirt, 10% from Keen, 5% from Mollari, 10% from Four, nothing from Adama or Foraker, and 1% from Naismith. 1.25*1.1*1.05*1.1*1.01 = 1.60401, so the ship is 60.401% better at surveying than its basic stats would indicate. The one survey point per hour that its sensor nominally generates will actually be just over 1.6 points per hour.

Part 2/2.
Bonus Types
There's several different bonus types a commander can give. Here's what they do and how to give each of them. (Note: I'm not 100% confident of this info - it's my understanding, but it may be imperfect. Things I'm especially unsure of are in italics.)

Crew Training is used to make the ship's crew perform more effectively at a wide range of various skills. A ship's executive officer (XO) provides 100% of their bonus, a commander provides 50%, Naval commands provide 25%, and General commands provide 10%. The points are added up, and increase ship grade bonuses, up to a max of 1000 points = 21%.

Fleet Training isn't listed as a separate skill, so I assume it just uses the Crew Training skill. I'm unsure what role ship officers/commanders play, if any, and I'd assume there isn't one. Fleet commanders might play a role, but I really don't know. Admin Commands provide a bonus of 10% for General commands, and a perfect 100% for Training commands.

Reaction controls initiative for ships in combat - fleets with higher Reaction ratings move later in any given tick, and thus can control engagement range more easily. They also have better response time to detecting hostile forces. A fleet commander provides 100% to the whole fleet. A de facto fleet commander(i.e., the senior ship's commander in a fleet with no Flag Bridge) provides 100% to their own ship only. Ship commanders otherwise provide 50%. Naval and Patrol commands provide 25%, and General commands provide 10%.

Engineering reduces the breakdown chance for a ship due to regular failure rate chances. (This only applies to military ships, and does nothing for commercial ships). An Engineering Officer provides 100%, and a commander provides 50%. Naval, Patrol, and Survey commands each give 25%, and General commands give 10%.

Tactical improves a ship's to-hit chances. The Tactical Officer provides 100%, and the commander provides 50%. Naval commands provide 25%, and General 10%.

Fighter Combat improves a fighter's to-hit chances. I'm unsure if the CAG or any admin commands help with this - it may just be 100% from the fighter's commander.

Fighter Operations improves rearming time (and possibly refueling time?) for ships inside a hangar. I assume that it gets 100% from the CAG, and 50% from the carrier's commander. No admin command seems to help, that I can see.

Ground Support increases to-hit chances for units engaging in planetary combat. I don't see any ship module or admin command that helps it, so maybe it's just 100% commander and nothing else?

Survey increases the survey points generated by geo/grav survey vessels. You get 100% from Science Officers, 50% from commanders, 25% from Survey commands, and 10% from General commands.

Mining increases the mining rate for orbital miners and Sorium harvesters. You get 100% from the commander, 25% from Industrial commands, 10% from Logistics, and 5% from General.

Production helps with jump point stabilization (and maybe some other stuff?). You again get 100% from the commander, 25% from Industrial commands, 10% from Logistics, and 5% from General.

Terraforming helps with terraforming rate. You get 100% from the commander, but no admin commands seem to help in my testing.

Diplomacy and Communications are used to deal with alien races - Communications establishes the ability to talk to aliens, and Diplomacy helps improve relations once you do. Both of them require commanders to be in ships with a Diplomacy Module. If the ship has one, it gets 100%, otherwise nothing. No admin commands help.

Intelligence is used for intel-gathering on ships with ELINT modules. Again, 100% from the commander and nothing else.

Logistics increases the rate of loading and unloading cargo from ships. You get 100% from the commander, 25% from Logistics commands, 10% from Industrial, and 5% from General.

Xenoarchaeology was relevant in VB6, but it seems to be useless for naval commanders in C# - only ground commanders use it.

Political Reliability has no influence on a commander's performance - it's used only to increase the chances of auto-promotion.

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