Re: What do you think of this video?

In some ways I agree with you. But, while we're at it, we should pay the native American back for what they went through in the past because of events like the Trail of Tears. No reparations have been made for them. And, while we put emphasis on one group, in this case black people, you're going to have to deal with another part of the human race being thrown under the bus. I mentioned that college professor from UCLA who might get fired over not choosing to cancel final exams for black students who wished to join in the protests, and he is right to decide that way because it isn't right by the other students in that class. No group deserves preferential treatment like that unless you plan to do it for all groups in the human race. Yes, I know there is also that argument about black people having it hard, and I would agree that they have in some cases. However, many, many black people have enjoyed great success in the fields they've chosen. Might they have come from a rough beginning? Sure, but the important thing is that they worked hard and persevered because they were willing to work at it regardless of what others thought. I hear people talk these days about this stuff and they'd dare to mention the likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Rosa Parks. These people would be rolling over in their graves if they knew the violence that was being brought about by people, both black and white, who would make us believe that they truly think the black lives matter. To me, black lives matter a great deal, but even more do I say that all lives matter. The minute we start showing more favoritism toward one group, no matter which that is, we're going to have problems and will continue to go through exactly the things we see right now. Some of these protests, especially the more violent ones that have turned to riots, are not going to cause people to grow closer to their black counterparts. Instead, there runs the serious risk of causing an even greater divide. This is something we all really need to think about for the sake of our entire race.

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