Re: This title needs to go

How is it different though? That's what I'm trying to get you to understand.

Having unpleasant navigational experiences is annoying. It doesn't completely make life unlivable, but it's annoying. I can attest to this personally. There were days last year when I'd get to work and be utterly fed up with the world at large already. Obviously I wasn't going to punch the first person who approached me the wrong way, but I definitely showed some frustration at times. It's not always on me to turn the other cheek or educate people. Someone telling me, "hey man, it's no big deal" would likely have earned my scorn if not my ire, because again, who the hell are they to tell me what should offend me or not?

This is no different.

Saying that it doesn't offend you is totally okay. It's not precisely the point, but it's okay. Even going so far as to state that you'd rather not see the entire rank changed to suit one person, I can understand. It might not need to be said, but it's really not that offensive either.

But saying that she shouldn't be offended? Repeatedly referring to it as trivial? Both of these things are, in essence, you deciding to put your experience ahead of Haily's, in an arena where her lived experience trumps hell out of your own.

If you were going to be hurt or seriously inconvenienced by a change that might result from Haily's taking issue with the rank of Playroom Playboy, I'd feel differently. But none of you have legitimate grounds to be upset at this stage, as far as I've seen.

If you can show me factually how you should have the right to invalidate or minimize Haily's feelings while having your own validated instead - and yes, that's precisely what we're talking about here, so don't try and defend this - I'd like to see it. If you can make a convincing argument, you will be the first, and I've seen literally hundreds of attempts like this before, here and elsewhere. Go ahead and try, if you wish, but I'll tell you now; if the hundreds who came before you had no luck - with me and with others - I doubt you'll be any different. But have on, if you wish. Tell me why your opinions about someone else being upset should matter more than that other person's opinion, when it is they who are raising the objection and have grounds to protest this small microaggression where you very clearly do not.

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