Re: how does this work, and what do you recomend?

I'm thinking that you not speaking English well may have caused you to miss some of my point.

Also, writing your own matrix processing library for machine learning in C# is the worst idea I've ever heard.  You should have just used tensorflow or numpy or something.

And "My neural network was too slow, therefore this isn't hypothetical and Python is bad for games" is also a really bad argument.  Neural networks and things like it consume thousands to millions of times the processing power that a game needs.  Using this as your example suggests that you don't understand how games work.

Python packaging is a bit lame, yes.  But whatever you're doing is far enough from games that I can say with a high degree of confidence that people don't need to care about building their own native dependencies.  Yes, you have to build two versions of the app.  But as long as whatever you need is on pypi, it's fine, you just pip install it.

C# has the same 32 vs 64 bit problem as soon as you start talking about native dependencies as well.

It feels a lot like you're complaining about tools that you never bothered to fully understand, because you never bothered to fully understand them.  As I said, I can criticize Python.  Not being statically typed is a good point even.  I don't like that the most obvious way to serialize things is insecure by default.  I don't like some of the language syntax.  But you come across as someone who has very particular requirements, who left Python because it didn't meet your requirements before you finished learning it, and who thinks that problems writing neural networks are applicable to games.  Frankly, most of this site doesn't even have the math to understand neural networks.

But look.  Let me put it this way.  Audiogames run fine with O(n^2) collision detection algorithms, because no one here knows how to do better.  Speed is only a concern once someone actually gets as far as doing a full MMO or something.  The closest we have to that is Swamp which is so buggy that your inventory duplicates itself every time you log off, so it's not like that will happen anytime soon.  We also have SoundRTS in Python, which after a little bit of tweaking now handles thousands of units on a map, including pathfinding for them and everything.  And to be clear, tweaking here just meant replacing lists with sets, it doesn't use a native dependency or cython or anything like that.

I still think that JS is probably the best option given the question being asked here, and that a sighted person is involved.  C# is fine as far as it goes, though I don't like the IDE lock-in and I wish people would take me more seriously when I talk about what happened in 2010 when we all just stopped being able to use Visual Studio at all for a few years.  Lots of sighted games are written in Java.  We have an audiogame written in Dart.  There's lots and lots of options.  But your arguments against Python aren't good arguments, and they're the kinds of things that send new programmers down very bad roads, where they care about performance from the beginning, instead of in literally a couple years when they're doing some sort of big ambitious game.  I have seen too many people get hung up on this and never get anywhere because it's paralyzing to think that the languaeg you picked might be too slow or something.  It's how you end up with new programmers who think C++ are a great idea, and who won't hear anything to the contrary.  Then they go "Wow, C++ is complicated, guess I can't program" and give up.

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