Brads reddit guide.

Hi everyone, let's start this with a question.

What is reddit?

Reddit is a website where you can subscribe to a subreddit and read about nearly anything you like.

What's a subreddit or sub?

A Sub or Subreddit is like a forum, if I subscribe to the Harry potter Subreddit I will then be able to see everything I'd want to know about Harry potter but I'd not expect to be talking about the moon or cars or chocolate, unless they were related to Harry potter, do you see? Basicly imagine a subreddit like a box, if the box is labeled shoes, you'd not expect a map of London in there would you? It's like that, you subscribe to whatever subs you like, then click on hat sub and read/discuss whatever it is that sub is about.

There are rules to follow for each sub but you don't have to read them to join, they're just there to make sure you're not being nasty to anyone.

How many subs are there?

Thousands and they can be about any topic, discussing many things, here's just a few off the top of my head:

Harry potter








wow! That's a lot, so how do I join these subreddits then?

That's just to start you off and just to let you know, if you put r/, that's the letter r then a slash, in front of any of those names and paste them into google, you'll find the subreddits page.

To join a sub, you can go through reddit but I find that not to be the best way. The best way for me is to search on google.

So if you typed in chocolate subreddit, for example, you'd probably find tuns of subs related to chocolate.

So how exactly do I sign up?

You can try signing up on the up to date reddit website, personally I prefer as it's a lot simpler to use.

The top of the page has tuns of subreddits, don't worry about those, you're looking for the text that says: Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds.

Press enter on the sign up link and follow the instructions, I can't run you through it because it asks me to enter my email and I only have one so it wouldn't let me use it, there shouldn't be any problems, if there is; let me know and I'll see what I can do.

ok, I've signed up, now what?

Now you start searching on google for subs, type in anything you like then put the word subreddit next to it, pres enter and see what subs come up, click on one of them and search the page for a join link.

once you've joined a couple subs, you'll see them show up on your home page and should be able to navigate to them with no problems but, there's an easier way if you have an IPhone.

What's this easier way then?

It's an app called ddystopia. It's a very accessible reddit client, it's in beta at the moment but don't worry, you can sign up for free using this test flight link:

It's legal, in fact; the dev wants people to sign up so we can all test the app so it can be the best it can be.

download the testflight app, click on that link, using safari, then download dystopia.

once you've opened the app, you'll need to sign in using your reddit username and password, after that, go to either chat or messages, you'll see a prompt telling you that you need to choose a plan, don't worry, you won't get charged, choose any of the plans, then put in your details and press enter.

You'll see a screen saying that you've been confirmed, press enter on ok.

Now go to settings and find the account heading, it will be the first thing you come across, then flick right twice and tap on notifications  and turn both of them on, then go back by finding the button in the top left corner and tapping on it.

You might want to look at the settings and change what you wlike in there, after that; find the top left forner and tap on the done button.

OK, that's all done, now what?

I'll go through each button, giving you a brief description of what they do, don't worry; there isn't many to deel with.

Front page: this page is a mix of all your subs posts on reddit, I hardly use this page.

all: This is where all the most upvoted posts are, you can also search for what ever you like there and see what comes up.

profile: this is your profile, it'll have your carma, kind of like reddit points I guess, sometimes you need a sertain amount to reply on some subreddits but as far as I know; it isn't that many.

saved: this is where you have all the saved posts you want to come back to later. Did you see a story or video you want to hceck out but don't have the time or are just to lazy for now? Just save it and it will appear there.

upvoted: this is where all your upvoted posts are, honestly I don't see a point in this screen but it's there.

submited: Again I don't really see the point of this page so don't use it but I'd assume it has your submited content.

Subreddits and how to interact with them

Now we come to the subreddit heading, clicking right will show you all your subreddits,, before double tapping on one and reading all the lovely posts and forgetting all about my lovely guide that got you to this place and that should totally be read until the end, you need to know that swiping up and down in a subreddit and while on the home screen will allow you to do different things.

Swiping down or up on the home screen when you're on a subreddit, without double tapping on it, will allow you to delete it. You swipe up, hear delete, double tap, flick to okay double tap on that and you're done.

in a subreddit, there's quite a few actions, so let's go through them.

After double tapping on a subreddit, you can flick right to the post you want to read, double tap on it, flick right and start reading, but you can also flick up or down, like on the home screen of this app, and will hear quite a few things:

view comments:, it should jump you straight to the comments but doesn't seam to work correclty.

reply: double tapping on this will allow you to reply to the post, you can also do this whenever you've read a comment in a post and would like to reply.

View author: this allows you to view the authors profile, you can send them messages, see how much carma they have and read all their posts and replys.

save: It allows you to save the post.

Share: I've not used this but I'd assume it allows you to share on Twitter, facebook, that kind of thing.

report: Do you think a post has broken the rules? Go here to report it.

More options: This is a little list of options like cross posting, I'm not exactly sure what that is but I think it's when you take a post and paste it to another subreddit. select text: this should allow you to select text in the post, I've not used these features though so I have no idea how wel they work. view cash coppy with push shift: this allows you to view the post as it was before comments had been deleted or if dystopia tells you there's 20 comments and you don't see them, go to push shift.

cancil: allows you to go back to the screen you were on.

searching for a user or subreddit using Dystopia

You can search for a user and a sub by following this part of the guide.

manually enter user: tapping on this will allow you to wriet a users name into the box, press enter and have their profile pop up. I don't think you can follow on dystopia just yet but you might be able to in the future.

manually enter a subredit: This allows you to enter a subreddits name if you know it. Type it in, press enter and it will pop up.

Find a subreddit: This option allows you to type in a word, hit enter, and have all subreddits related to that word pop up, you an then tap on the one you like the sound of, explore it and subscribe if you like.

The more options button in each sub

This button will allow you to subscribe to a sub, contact the mods, show the sidebar (this is important if you've not checked out the sub before, it's a description of what the sub is all about and sometimes it has links to other subs,) sort, (tapping on this will allow you to sort by some options like newest, most upvoted, that kind of thing, you can do this after a search too,) submit a post of your own, unsubscribe and view subreddit chat rooms, (I don't know how well that works.)

End of the guide

This is the end of the guide, I'm very tired now and am going to try to get some sleep, if there are any parts I've missed and you want me to include them, let me know.

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