Re: Something long overdue

Americranian, I'll be the first to say that yes, actions speak louder than words. I will believe change when I see it, and not before.
But I don't think it's fair to shame Jimmy for apologizing publicly either. One of two explanations comes to mind. Either he really is looking for attention or congratulation or whatnot - which wouldn't be cool - or he's trying to take public ownership of the shit he pulled, and that's actually pretty commendable. Let's not jump on him as being dramatic when it's entirely possible that he truly does want to own his mistakes publicly.

Flip this on its ear for just a sec. Let's say I made a bad staff decision involving one user, and other users called me out on it. Let's say I apologized to that user privately and then carried on. Wouldn't you, or some other people at least, claim it was awfully convenient that the mistake was not acknowledged publicly in some fashion? I know I would. I mean, sure, there are folks who absolutely do admit fault because they want to come across like they're apologetic when really they just want attention or support. They're out there. But a lot of times, it's not nearly so dark as that. I'd hate to think that when I've apologized publicly for mistakes I've made, you or others think I'm doing it for attention. Hell, I'm just trying to hold myself accountable. After all, if all apologies are private, then the community itself never can get the sense of whether or not someone actually regrets what they've done.

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